Full-time Employee or Special Payroll Employee’s device: Employee’s full name (e.g. Yi Zhang. PC-97971)
Full-time Employee working fully remote: Employee’s full name plus “-<state abbreviation>” (e.g. Chris Tarricone-GA. PC-97951)
Contractor: Contractor’s full name plus “-Contractor” (e.g. Steve Kiely-Contractor in Notes and User is set to ler02006. PC-98775 )
Student Employee' dedicated workstation: Student Employee’s full name plus “-Student” (e.g. Christian Bergeron-Student in Notes and User is set to rvm02001. PC-97963)
Student Employees' shared workstation: Supervisor’s full name plus Student (e.g. Brien Woodaman Student. PC-97910) or Team name plus “Student Workstation” (e.g. TSC Student Workstation. PC-100515)