PS Payroll System --- Reactivate Inactive Employee

In the event that an employee needs to be reactivated, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1.  Navigate to the PS Payroll System and log-in using your NetID and NetID password

  2.  Click on the Administer module

  3.  Click on the Manage Employees module

  4.  Click on the Department / Campus tabs, where the employee belonged to

  5.  Click on the View In-Active button and locate the employee

  6.  Click on the Edit button for the located employee

    Tip: Using the search bar helps narrow the list quickly!

  7.  Remove the End Date and click on "Update Employee Information"


You need to press the "Delete" or "Backspace" key on your keyboard for each part of the date: day, month, year — 


In the screenshot above, clicking on "2021" and then pressing Delete or Backspace will replace "2021" with "yyyy", then pressing "Left Arrow Key" on the keyboard and pressing Delete or Backspace again, will replace "28" with "mm"; finally, pressing "Left Arrow Key" on keyboard and then pressing Delete or Backspace, will replace "01" with "dd" 

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