Google to 365 - Faculty

The transition from Google Workspace to Microsoft 365 for faculty members is a potential change in file storage services.


Historically, students stored data in Google Drive. UConn is terminating its relationship with Google and now students are joining faculty and staff in Microsoft 365. Previously, faculty were technically able to store data in the Google Drive account available to their email address although this was not permissible due to university and State of Connecticut data standards. As a result of the students using Google Drive, many faculty also stored data in Google Drive in order to reach their students. This issue is now resolved with the students migrating over to 365.


There are no changes to faculty email at this time. Faculty are already using Outlook in Microsoft 365 as their email service.

File Storage

Work-related files must be stored in Microsoft 365 - OneDrive or SharePoint.

Migration of Data

Data in Google Drive is being transferred into OneDrive. Faculty will be given the option to have ITS migrated their Google Drive files to OneDrive for them, or they may choose to move the files themselves.

For faculty that choose to have ITS migrate their files, it will be a fairly hands-off process. These faculty will receive email notifications about the status of the migration and when they can access files previously stored in Google. For these files, the file extension will change to a Microsoft compatible format (For example, a .gdoc will convert to the Word format, .docx).

Files that are stored in services outside of your Drive storage, like Google Photos, will not migrate and some features, such as links and sharing permissions, will not persist. Please review what data will migrate: File Migration: What will and what won't migratearchived

There are situations where ITS is unable to move files on behalf of faculty where the faculty member will need to step in to take action. If any issues occur during the migration, the faculty member will receive an email notification alerting them to the specific files that were unable to migrate. They can then reference this error code help guide to resolve their issues: Google Migration Error Codes - Explainedarchived

Tips for Organizing Data

For guidelines on how store and share OneDrive files in HuskyCT courses, check out this guide: Adding files from Microsoft OneDrive to Ultra Course View

Shared files

Files that have been shared with you through Google will need to be reshared with you. The same is true for files that you have shared with others. It may prove useful to create a record of the files shared with you, please follow this guide to do so: Create Record of Files Shared with me in Googlearchived. Be sure to request access once again to these files once they have moved into 365.

Related Guides

File Migration: What will and what won't migratearchived

Google Migration Error Codes - Explainedarchived

Switching from Google Sign-in to Email and Password Log-inarchived

Comparison of Applications

Replacements for Google Sites