apinvoices@uconn.edu – please use this inbox to send original invoice copies only. To prevent delays in processing and payment please make sure all invoices have a valid/current PO number on it. If you do not have a PO number, please work with your university department contact.
apinquiries@uconn.edu – please use this inbox for all other communications regarding your previously submitted invoice, including statements and past due inquiries. Before reaching out regarding a past due invoice please verify the terms on your invoice match the terms stated on our PO. All invoices are processed according to our PO terms.
apdisbursements@uconn.edu – please use this inbox to address questions/changes relating to payment methods/information or inquiries on a payment already processed. For additional information on payment methods available you can also visit the following website: https://bursar.uconn.edu/cash-operations-accounts-payable-disbursements/
Huskybuysupport@uconn.edu – Please use this inbox for question on the supplier registration process or questions related to your supplier portal account including updating any supplier addresses, name changes, or updated W-9 forms/information. You can also use this inbox for any general questions related to an existing purchase order or to ask questions on the purchase order process.
Kevin Black- kblack@apple.com
Lori Warner- lwarner@apple.com