All RFDs submitted within CLAS are saved in CHAD once approved. To view this information, please follow the steps below.
To begin, go to CHAD and find the Manage RFDs tab at the top of the page.
Click on it, and it will bring you to this page
Change the department to your department and click search. It will populate with all of the RFDs that have been submitted for the given fiscal year
To view more information on the RFDs, you can click on them, and a page comes up that provides more information
Note, there are two kinds of RFDs, Direct Pay RFDs, and 6L RFDs. Direct Pay RFDs reimburse faculty members with Foundation funds. 6L RFDs reimburse a UConn 6L KFS Foundation account.
Direct Pay RFD
Items to note from this page:
RFD#: number associated with this RFD
Comments: a brief description of what the RFD is for
Vendor: who is receiving the payment
Foundation Account: account where the funds are coming out of
KFS Account: account where the funds are being deposited (only for 6L RFDs. For Direct Pay RFDs, the vendor is sent the funds via a check)
Attachment: a copy of the RFD form with the documents that were submitted with it in PaperSave
Amount: the amount deposited