To view available Quantum Espresso HPC modules that are currently installed on the cluster:
module avail -l quantumespresso - Package/Alias -----------------------.- Versions --------.- Last mod. ------- /cm/shared/modulefiles: quantumespresso/7.2 2023/10/03 11:06:24
To load Quantum Espresso the following commands can be entered:
module purge module load gcc/11.3.0 quantumespresso/7.2 source /gpfs/sharedfs1/admin/hpc2.0/apps/quantumespresso/7.2/spack/share/spack/ spack load quantum-espresso
It is possible that the SPACK package manager find need to find the loaded gcc/11.3.0 modules and add gcc/11.3.0 to the available compiler list within the SPACK environment.
To have SPACK find gcc/11.3.0 or any other loaded gcc version on HPC, the following command would need to be entered: (after sourcing the quantumespresso file above)
spack compiler find
For further information about the Spack Package Manager, please see the SPACK knowledge base article located here: