Login into the cryosparc_user account
Submit an interactive SLURM job:
srun --partition=general-gpu -N 1 -n 62 --gres=gpu:1 --time=00:30:00 --pty bash
Once a node is assigned to the interactive SLURM srun job, start the Cryosparc Master process:
cryosparcm start
cd /home/cryosparc_user/cryosparc/cryosparc2_worker/bin
./cryosparcw connect --worker $(hostname) --master $(hostname) --port 39000 --nossd --lane default --newlane
Open a local web browser to assigned GPU node IP address, view IP information with the following command:
ip a
Login screen for CryoSparc should show up, login using CryoSparc account details, launch CryoSparc job to gpu node that was assigned to the interactive SLURM srun job in previous step.