Eligible faculty, staff and graduate student can request for an Aurora account.
Available to all Schools, Colleges, Divisions, Departments, Centers, Institutes, Research Labs, Projects, individual Faculty or Graduate Students
Our guidelines for new URLs associated with the main uconn.edu domain, is that this top level is reserved, for example, schools, colleges, regional campuses.
Other options:
The address for Faculty will use the official UConn email address as a reference. For instance, if your email is firstname.lastname@uconn.edu the website address will be firstname-lastname.uconn.edu or name.dept.uconn.edu.
The address for Graduate Students will be firstname-lastname.grad.uconn.edu
All Registered Student Organizations and Student Activities must be approved through Department of Student Activities
by filling out the Student Organization Website Form
New account is created with a draft.....uconn.edu temporary URL.