AND..... .SUCCESSSSSS! We have the DB imported:
Now, comes the code....
rsync -av PREP rjb03001admin@phptst1.its.uconn.edu:/apps
Nice! The code has been moved off of RHEL6 and onto RHEL7—
Change the settings file, same as with other portals:
vim /apps/PREP/sites/default/settings.php
→ Change $update_free_access to TRUE
→ Add (for troubleshooting purposes)---
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
$conf['error_level'] = 2;
Save and quit; let's navigate to the portal and see what's up:
Nice! we are not going to login... instead, we will do the Drupal update process:
And we get:
Something is wrong........... must be the conf file....
So prior to making any changes to the conf file, let's back it up:
Let's open-up the prep conf file...
Sure enough... the AuthType is there and it shouldn't...
Here's how it should be:
Save and quit and then give Apache a boot...
Let's access the Drupal's update process—
Much better:
Let's create a user using phpMyAdmin---
Look at the settings file for the needed info—
Let's refresh Firefox and see what we get...
MUCH BETTER! Before following-through with the update process, let's update CAS and LDAP related modules and then re-load the Drupal's update process...
We have encountered rules module related error before... so before we move onto the Front page, let's update the rules module and then re-run the Drupal's update process...
Let's update the rules_conditional module too... On the live site, go to Available updates and download from the provided link:
Upload the tar.gz file directly onto the server
Remove the rules_conditional folder (do it either via FileZilla GUI or command line) and then extract the archive
Remove the archive... and let's re-run the Drupal's update process...
Awesome! Let's hit the Front page — we should be greeted with a CAS login page!
AWESOME!!! After logging in... ... ...
Huh!? Let's try a completely fresh browser session...
After logging-in, same:
Hmmm.... onto Research!
The following Q/A helped resolve this problem:
Visiting PREP2 now greets with a CAS login instead!
Upon authenticating, we get to the landing page of the PREP tool!
We do have a module that seems to be out of date: admin_menu — let's update it!
Get the downloaded tar.gz file onto RHEL7 and extract and then run the Drupal's update process as before...