Versions Compared


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Both Posts and Pages are used for displaying your site's content. Posts can be used to display content on Aurora. Posts can have categories and tags that are used by Post Widgets and by Post Widgets and Pages with the Blog Page template when when filtering posts to display. In addition, all All posts use the default sidebar.


(See all Aurora WordPress Training.)

Post Widgets

If you’re trying to display certain posts through a widget, you may notice that you have a few different widgets to choose from, namely Available widgets include Recent Posts, Recent Custom Posts Type Widget, Flexible Posts Widget, and Post Loop. Below outlines what each widget can do and how each differs from the others.

Recent Posts

Recent Posts is the simplest of the post widgets. It automatically displays posts based on when they were created, in descending order. This widget displays each post’s title as a link to that post. You can choose how many posts you want to be displayed and you’re also given the option to , and you can display each post’s creation date.Recent Post WidgetImage Removed


Recent Custom Posts Type Widget

Recent Custom Posts Type Widget is a lot more flexible than Recent Posts. In fact, you don’t even ; you do not have to display your most recent posts, or even posts at all! any posts.

Recent Custom Posts Type Widget can display Posts, Pages, People, Media, and Meta Sliders. You can filter which posts to display by Author. You can also choose to order the posts by post title, ID, author, creation date, last modified date, randomly, or in no specific order at all. Like Recent Posts, you can choose how many posts you want to be displayed. In addition, you

You can choose what parts of the posts you want to be displayed, including the title, body excerpt, date posted, and featured thumbnails. Keep in mind that not every post type has all of these; for . For example, Media does not have a body excerpt so checking that box would mean do nothing.Recent Custom Posts Type WidgetImage Removed


Flexible Posts Widget

Flexible Posts Widget is another a versatile post widget, however but some of the features do not work when using the widget with Page Builder. This widget is fully functional when placed in a sidebar.

Flexible Posts Widget can display Posts, Pages, Media, People, or Meta Sliders. You can order posts by publish date, modified date, title, menu order, post ID, author, post slug, comment count, randomly, or post ID order. You can also choose to skip over a certain number of posts. You can choose whether or not to display the posts’ thumbnails , and at what size.

In addition to these sorting options, you may choose to You can filter posts by certain taxonomies or terms , such as by category, tag, format, or group. You can even specify exactly which posts you want to display by listing their IDs. Note that selecting posts based on ID their IDs will override any options you may have chosen for filtering by post type or taxonomy/term.Image Removed


Post Loop

Post Loop can display posts, pages, people, or meta sliders. You can order posts by post ID, author, name, date, date modified, parent, random, comment count, menu order, or post in order. The widget displays the title of each post. In addition, you You may choose to display a certain number of posts and filter the posts by tag or by category.Here are instructions on how to use Post Loop:

  1. Add a Post Loop widget to your Page Builder page.

  2. Select the content.php template.

  3. Under the additional field add the following code to filter by category: &category_name=


    yourcategoryname. For tags

    you would

    , use: & tag=yourtagname.

  4. Under the Widget Styles section on the right side of the widget, add a class name (anything you want) to the area called Widget Class.

  5. Save/Update the page.

  6. Add the CSS below to the Custom CSS section of your site.

Code Block
Note: In this example I’ve given my Post Loop widget a class of any-name-you-want

/* ===================== Start Post Loop Template Code ===================== */
.any-name-you-want .entry-content, .any-name-you-want .entry-footer, .any-name-you-want .entry-meta {
    display: none;
.any-name-you-want h1 {
    border-bottom: medium none !important;
    font-size: 16px;
   margin-top:0px !important;
   margin-bottom:0px !important;
.any-name-you-want .hentry {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    padding-bottom: 0 !important;
/* ===================== End Post Loop Template Code ===================== */
Code Block
Note: If you use the Post Loop widget in multiple places and want the same style then you can use the same class name on the widget and it will pick up the custom CSS.


Post Loop Templates

If you use the Post Loop widget, you’ll notice that it has many options under “Template”. The following are short descriptions of each template and if/how it can be used with Post Loop. Note that not Notice that many options under Template for Post Loop Templates. Not all of these templates will be useful to people using this widget, as some were intended for other areas of Aurora and just happen to have been picked up by this widget.

  • content-az.php

    (not fully intended for use with post loop but it can be utilized)

    • Returns an




      Z listing of all the pages


      on your site (which can also be achieved with the A-Z Listing page template). You


      need to create a category with no posts in it and then define it, or else the




      Z post loop will pull your most recent post’s content and add an A-Z listing below it.

  • content-blank.php

    (not intended for use with post loop)

    • Returns posts with no styling.

  • content-featured-image.


    php (most widely used template)

    • Returns the featured image, post date, excerpt, and read more

      link. This is by far the most widely used template


  • content-home.php

    (not intended for use with post loop)

    • Same as content-blank except

      it will

      does not display


      content and markup if the post is blank.

  • content-none.php

    (not intended for use with post loop)

    • Returns errors for the system.

  • content-page.php

    • Returns posts with a title and an excerpt.

  • content-person.php

    (not intended for use with post loop)

    • Returns people for a different portion of WordPress.

  • content-single.php

    • Returns post title, date, excerpt, categories, and tags.

  • content.php

    • Returns post title that links to post, date, excerpt, categories, and tags.

Post Expirator

Post Expirator is a plugin that allows you to add an expiration date to any post or page . In order to do so, Post Expirator must be enabled when enabled in the Screen Options of the post’s edit screen.

  1. Scroll down to


  1. Post Expirator on the right


  1. side of the edit screen.


  1. Check Enable Post Expiration to set an expiration date.


  1. Choose a date and time


  1. at which you would like your post to expire and choose what happens to the post upon expiration. You have the following options:

    1. Change its status


    1. to Draft.

    2. Delete the post.

    3. Change the


    1. post's visibility to Private.

    2. Update the


  • Category: Replace
  • Category: Add
  • Category: Remove

Post ExpiratorImage Removed


    1. post's category (Replace, Add, Remove).

      Post Expirator optionsImage Added
  1. Click Update to save your changes.


Posts can have custom excerpts that show up in place of the full text in post feeds such as search result pages and pages and tag pages. To add or edit a post's custom excerpt, scroll down to the box labeled 'Excerpt'

  1. Scroll down to Excerpt on the post's edit screen.

  2. Type the custom text you'd like to show up in the text box


  1. .

  2. Select Update


  1. when


  1. finished.

SASS ExcerptImage Removed

  1. In order for these excerpts to show up anywhere, you must have


  1. Summary


  1. chosen next


  1. to Settings > Reading > For each article in a feed, show [Full text, Summary].


    1. If you


    1. have Summary


    1. chosen, posts without excerpts will also be affected. In post feeds, the body of such posts will be cut off after a certain number of characters rather than displaying in full.


Below is an example of what the SASS Tag page looks like with 'Full Text' chosen vs chosen vs with 'Summary' chosen. The Child Theming with SASS page has an excerpt, whereas the Child Theming with CSS page does not.Image Removed

full textImage Added

SASS Tag Page: Full Text


SASS Tag With SummaryImage Added

SASS Tag Page: Summary


This entry was posted in Guides-Basic and tagged posts.


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