Send copy of Mike's overview of external interfaces, link to DR playbook, and BC assessment by Brett to team. (Bruce - done 7/22)
- Ask Pam Kriedeman if Ben Daniels can advise us on document repository options. (Bruce, Pam agreed, 7/22)
- Begin to compile options for document repository. List pros/cons of each. (Shilpa, Dave)
- Ask Pam if rSmart has a folder option that could host the repository. (Bruce, done 7/22 - Pam indicated that rSmart only hosts an ftp site, not folders)
- Ask if we might run into union contract issues when asking key personnel to respond and carry out DR plan during an emergency event. (Bruce, 7/22 contacted Brett. Brett will bring up at next manager's meeting on Thursday, 7/24)
- Question for Pam: what software would technicians need to execute the DR playbook? Is that documented? (Bruce, contacted Pam 7/22 - she agreed that there would be s/w required and that it's not currently documented. she will ask the technical team and will compile a list for us.)
- HR emergency website - can this be of help to us?
- Document Bottomline DR plan. (Dave)
- Begin to consider what the test plan will look like, since this is non-technical. (Shilpa)
- Export draft MS Project plan into PDF or excel and send to team. (Bruce)