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Table of Contents


Getting Access to CLSS

To request access to CLSS, please email Please note that the primary scheduling contact/department head for your department will need to approve your access before it can be granted.


  1. The name and Net ID of the person requesting access;

  2. Which scheduling unit(s) they need access to;

  3. The name of the person who has authorized their access to that scheduling unit (please copy the person granting authorization on the email request).

Logging into CLSS

To log in to CLSS, go to

Getting Help with CLSS

Instructions for using CLSS are broken down by topic on this page. For a full list of help articles, visit the CourseLeaf Section Scheduler section of the UConn Knowledge Base. For a full CLSS training video, see CLSS Schedulers Training.


While the vendor’s documentation does a good job at explaining the mechanics of CLSS, please see the “Using CLSS” section on this page for more UConn-specific information about using the system.

Important Dates and Deadlines in CLSS

This table only includes dates relevant to Fall and Spring terms. Due to the nature of summer and winter classes, those deadlines tend to be more fluid.


Some of the dates listed in this table are subject to change.

See BPIR’s SET website

Fall 2024

Spring 2025

Fall 2025 (tentative)

Spring 2026

Available in CLSS




Schedule Validation Due





Classrooms Assigned*





Registration Opens3/18/2024




Start of Term





Day 109/9/2024




SET Preferences Due9/9/2024




Exam Schedule Published




SETs Created


* Estimate only. Room assignments depend on the validation and submission of department schedules and may vary.

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Navigating CLSS


The landing page for CLSS is called the Instances page, which is a list of historical and current terms available in CLSS. To get started, first select the term in which you wish to schedule.


Scheduling Units

All sections in CLSS are broken down into separate scheduling units. Most often, these are based on academic departments, but there are also custom units that do not necessarily follow the organizational structure. A scheduling unit refers to a specific subject area (e.g. ACCOUNTING), program (e.g. MS_BAPM), or regional campus (e.g., REG_HARTFORD).

titleMore about Scheduling Units
Instances in CLSS

As a user, you will have access to a particular scheduling unit. To get started, navigate to your scheduling unit and open it to view your classes.

selecting a scheduling unitScheduling Unit list of classes

Please see the CourseLeaf help site for more information about the Scheduling Unit Screen.

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Adding and Deleting Sections

titleAdding Sections

Adding Sections

To add a new section, double click a class in the Scheduling Unit screen to expand the section and select the green '+' icon on the right side of the row to add the section.

Adding sections

By default, the Scheduling Unit screen will only display courses with scheduled sections. To schedule a section of a course with no existing sections, select the “Show courses with no sections” checkbox near the top of the screen.

Show courses with no sections.
titleDeleting Sections

Deleting Sections


Sections should only be deleted while an instance in the Plan phase prior to the opening of registration. Once registration opens, use the “Status” field in the Section Editor to cancel the class.

To delete a section, select the red 'X' icon next to the section you wish to delete.

Delete a section

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Section Editor

The Section Editor is the tool you will use to add and revise sections of classes. The section editor includes all the fields that are editable when managing a class. For information about particular fields in the Section Editor, expand the section under the relevant numbered heading.


1. Title/Topic

titleTitle/Topic Information

For most courses, this field simply displays the title of the course. For topics courses, users can select a topic from this dropdown field to add to a class section.

Topics dropdown menu

If the topic you need is not listed, see Requesting New Topics in CLSS for information about adding new topics.

2. Section #

titleSection # Information

Use this field to specify the section number. Please note that section numbers may only be used once per term; it is not possible for two sections to have the same section number.


When creating classes with multiple components (e.g. lecture/lab, lecture discussion), we strongly recommend that departments do not use section number 001L or 001D and instead begin their lab and discussion section numbers at 002L/002D. This can help to avoid common errors when bridging sections from CLSS to Student Admin.

3. Credits

titleCredits information

This specifies the number of credit hours. For courses with a fixed number of credits in the course catalog, this field will not be editable. For variable credit courses, departments may select a specific credit value or specify a range of credits if the student will select the number of credits when enrolling (this is common for independent studies and other individualized types of courses). To specify a range, type in the minimum and maximum credits separated by a hyphen (i.e. “1-6”). Please note, however, that the range must be within the range in the course catalog.

4. Status

titleStatus Information

Specify the status of the course. By default, this will be Active, but the following options are also available:

  • Tentative Section: use this if you are not sure whether a course will be offered that term.

  • Stop Further Enrollment: use this when certain changes are being made that require workflow after students have enrolled. Please see the error and warning messages in CLSS when using this status for more guidance.

  • Cancelled Section: use this status to a cancel a section after registration has opened for the term. Prior to registration, please delete the section instead. See the Adding and Deleting section of this article for more information.

5. Consent

titleConsent Information

Use this to specify whether a student must get consent to add or drop a course.

6. Grading Basis

titleGrading Basis Information

This field can be used to change the grading basis to or from Honors credit when appropriate, but usually grading basis is defined at the catalog-level or particular to only certain programs and thus cannot be changed.


The Pass/Fail grading basis is not set at the schedule level - students may elect to take courses as pass/fail at the time of registration.

7. Link To

titleLink To Information

This field is only important for linked sections, for example lecture sections with linked labs or discussions. Please see Creating Linked Sections in CLSS for more information.

8. Combine With

titleCombine With Information

This field is used when combining sections; please see Combining Sections in CLSS for more information.

9. Session

titleSession Information

For fall and spring terms, “Regular Academic” is the only option available for session. For summer classes, this field should be used to select the appropriate summer session.

10. Campus (Loc)

titleCampus Information

Use this field to select the campus where a section is located.

11. Instruction Mode

titleInstruction Mode Information

Use this field to select the appropriate instruction mode. For more information about instruction modes, please see Course Modalities.

12. Schedule Print

titleSchedule Print Information

This field can be used to hide a section on the schedule of classes by changing the value to “No.”

13. Component

titleComponent Information

This field will list the available components for a course, such as “Lecture,” “Lecture - Stand Alone,” etc.

Lecture vs. Lecture - Stand Alone

If a course has both the Lecture and Lecture - Stand Alone components, use the “Lecture” component if the class will have multiple components (such as a lecture/lab or lecture and discussion section). If the class has a single component, use “Lecture - Stand Alone.”

14. Final Exam

titleFinal Exam Information

This field allows departments to indicate whether a section requires a final exam time block to be scheduled by the Registrar’s Office during finals week. For certain lecture sections, this field will be not be editable; see Setting Final Exam Requirements in CLSS for more information.

15. Auto Enroll(s)

titleAuto Enroll Information

This field is used to link lab or discussion sections to lectures for multiple component classes. Please see Creating Linked Sections in CLSS for more information.

16. Section and Course Attributes

titleSection and Course Attributes

Course Attributes

Course attributes are added to the course catalog and may not be edited in CLSS. These attributes are used to track a number of things, such as identifying general education courses. When a section is bridged to Student Admin, all course attributes will be added to the section attributes for that section.

Section Attributes

Section attributes can be used for a number of purposes, such as identifying sections that belong to custom scheduling units, Setting Final Exam Requirements, or adjusting SET preferences.

Section Attribute selection

17. Instructor

titleInstructor Information

To add or edit instructors, click the pencil icon next to Instructor in the Section Editor.

Instructors in CLSS

Selecting an Instructor

In the Instructors window, select the dropdown box to select an instructor. You may either scroll through the options or start typing the instructor’s name. If the name does not appear, select the “Other…” option at the bottom of the list and type the instructor’s name there. If the instructor you need to add still does not appear, please contact

Instructor Role

Instructor role generally helps distinguish between faculty and graduate assistants and also determines who is evaluated in the Student Experience of Teaching (SET) process. For more information about the SET process, see Manually Adjusting Teaching Evaluation Preferences in CLSS.


This option should always be set to “Approve.”

18. Schedule/Class Meetings

titleSchedule/Class Meetings Information

The Schedule interface is also known as the “Snapper Screen.”

Schedule in CLSSScheduling screen in CLSS

For basic information about using this interface, please refer to the vendor’s documentation. For guidance on more advanced topics, please visit the following articles:


Custom start and end dates that do not correspond with the academic calendar are only allowed in limited circumstances. If you are unsure whether it is appropriate to set custom start and end dates, please contact your dean’s office or the Office of the Provost.

19. Room and EMS Room Seek

titleRoom and EMS Room Seek Information

The Room dropdown allows schedulers to assign a section to either a department-controlled learning space or a placeholder value (e.g. Online or By Arrangement) at any time during the scheduling process.

Rooms Dropdown

Department Controlled Spaces

Any rooms that belong to a particular department will appear as options in this dropdown for any CLSS user with access to schedule that department’s classes. These rooms are only visible to the specific department, not to the entire campus.

If you wish to add a department-controlled space to CLSS, please email with the details of the room (including capacity and room type). No other departments will have access to the room unless you specifically request that we give them access.

General Assignment Room

Select this value during the Plan phase to indicate that this is a section that must be assigned to a centrally scheduled classroom.


For Storrs classes, this option may no longer be selected once the Registrar’s Office has completed the classroom assignment and optimization process. After that point, departments must use EMS Room Seek to search for available central classrooms.

Pending Department Room Assignment

Select this value if you know that a section will be assigned to a department-controlled space, but you do not yet know what that space will be.


Sections assigned to Pending Department Room Assignment will not be included in the Registrar’s classroom assignment process.

Other Room Options

There are a number of other room options, such as “Online,” “By Arrangement,” and “Class Meetings Off Campus” that may apply in certain situations. Generally, the rules in CLSS will guide you to select one of these options when appropriate.

EMS Room Seek

Once the classroom optimization and assignment process is complete, EMS Room Seek becomes available. This tool allows CLSS users to search for available rooms (both centrally scheduled classes and their department-controlled spaces) when they are adding new sections or if they wish to change the room assignment of an existing class.

Room Features

The Room Features field allows departments to indicate their classroom equipment needs to the Registrar’s Office or to filter results in EMS Room Seek. In order for the Room Features field to display, you must first select “General Assignment Classroom.”

Room Features During Plan Phase (before classroom assignments)

During Plan phase, select the room features that your section requires so that those requirements will be taken into account during general classroom assignments. You may select up to three room features.


When using Room Features during Plan phase, you should only select features that are absolutely required. Please note that specifying room features does not guarantee assignment and in fact can often lead to the opposite: if no rooms are available which include all features specified, the section will not be assigned to a room.

Room Features After Plan Phase (after classrooms assigned)

Once the classroom assignment process is complete, the Room Features option functions as a filter mechanism for EMS Room Seek to refine search results.

20. Enrollment Capacity and Required Room Capacity

titleEnrollment Capacity and Required Room Capacity Information

Enrollment Capacity (labeled as “Cap” in the Section Editor) is the total number of seats available in the section. Required Room Capacity (labeled as Rm Cap Request) refers to the classroom capacity required for the class. In almost all cases, the Enrollment Capacity and Required Room Capacity must match.

Enrollment cap

Combined Sections

When sections are combined, there are additional capacity fields that need to be updated. See Combining Sections in CLSS for more information.

Classes with Reserved Seats

When a section has reserved seats (also known as reserve caps), the Enrollment Cap and Wait List fields are not editable. To change these values, you must select the pencil icon next to the Reserved Seats label.

Enrollment cap grayed out

This will open the Reserved Seats window; you can change the enrollment cap using the Cap field in the top right corner of the window. Requested room capacity can be edited on the main Section Editor screen.

Reserved Seats interface

21. Wait List

titleWait List Information

Schedulers can choose to allow students to add themselves to a wait list once the enrollment capacity has been reached. To add a wait list, indicate the number of seats on the list in the Wait List field.

22. Reserved Seats

titleReserved Seats Information

Used to reserve seats for students based on particular reserve cap criteria (e.g., major, campus, program). Instructions about Managing Reserve Caps in CourseLeaf CLSS is available in the UConn Knowledge Base.

23. Notes

titleNotes Information

The Notes field can be used to add notes to a section that is visible on the schedule of classes. To add a note, select the pencil icon next to the Notes label, then select the green '+' icon to add the note.

Notes section, Section EditorAdding class notes

While there are a small number of pre-defined notes, most users should select “Add Your Own Note” to write a custom note. This will open a new window with a text box; add the text of the note to the box and select accept.

Add your own noteNotes text box

Sections may have multiple class notes. To add additional notes, select the green '+' icon and repeat the process.

24. Internal Comments

titleInternal Comments Information

Internal comments are for the use of schedulers to make internal notes about sections.


The Registrar’s Office does not review Internal Comments unless they are used as part of certain rules, such as for adding new topics.


Internal Comments are NOT private. Anyone with access to CLSS can view comments, so please do not include any sensitive information.
