This Edit menu allows you to add Labels to the article, which means that any word that matches another article will be recommended in the macro. There are also different options that can be expanded upon below the Label Bar by clicking on the Show button, this includes:
Sort By: You can sort how the labels relate to other articles, it can be by the title, by their creation date (newest to oldest), or the most recently modified version of the article.
Maximum Number of Pages: You can set how many pages the “Content by Label” macro is, with the default being 15.
List Title: This allows you to add a title to the macro.
Excerpt Display: This changes how the excerpts are displayed for each page. You can use:
None: Only shows the links to each article.
Simple: Adds specific labels underneath each article.
Rich: Makes the macro much more detailed, adding notes and information about each onelink.
Note |
Warning Be careful with typos, as they will not be autocorrected once they have been input as a label. |