Eligible faculty, staff and graduate student can request for an Aurora account. All Aurora WordPress sites need to have the UConn Banner and have a domain with (.uconn.edu) to be compliant with the UConn Web Standards.
Requests with Non UConn domains(.org, .net, etc) will not be processed.
Your Aurora account will let you make a website from within your web browser. View our list of current, planned, and potential features, and check our Aurora Knowledge Base for more information about this service.
Anyone using this system must agree to go through the online Aurora WordPress Training.
Fully subsidized to those listed as eligible in the following section.
Available to all Schools, Colleges, Divisions, Departments, Centers, Institutes, Research Labs, Projects, individual Faculty or Graduate StudentsOur guidelines for new URLs associated with the main
Domain Name Guidelines
The University is working to improve our top-level domain structure and xxx.uconn.edu domain, is that this top level is reserved, for example, schools, colleges, regional campuses.Other options:
labnamereserved for Schools/Colleges, regional campuses, and interdisciplinary institutes and centers.
You can build off an existing domain that would be appropriate for your website. For example, xxx.yourdepartment.uconn.edu.
Note: All 3rd level domain requests, yourrequest.uconn.edu, will be sent to Communications for approval. Additionally, we would encourage you to avoid abbreviations in your domain name to enhance the Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Other options:
The address for Faculty Faculty, Graduate students and Researchers will use the official UConn email address as a reference. For instance, if your email is firstname.lastname@uconn.edu the website address will be firstname-lastname.uconn.edu or name.dept.scholar.uconn.edu.The address for Graduate Students will be firstname-lastname.grad.uconn.edu
All Registered Student Organizations and Student Activities must be approved through Department of Student Activities
by filling out the Student Organization Website Form
New account is created with a draft....sitename.uconn.edu temporary URL.