- Download the FileZilla Client from the project's website:
- Install/Copy the FileZilla application to your workstation
- Open FileZilla
- Fill out the fields at the top with your connection information:
- Host: The DNS hostname of the server you are connecting to, i.e. my_server.its.uconn.edu
- Username: The name of the user account given to you to use
- Password: The password
- Port: 22 for SFTP (Strongly recommended, likely required) or 21 for insecure FTP.
- Click Quickconnect
- If prompted, optionally click "Always trust this host, and add this key to the cache", and click OK on the "Unknown host key" dialog box
- If your credentials are valid and have access, FileZilla will display the SFTP/FTP share's contents on the "Remote site:" part of the window on the right. Your local workstation's contents will be displayed on the left under "Local site:", and you . You can browse files on both sides, and copy files between both sidesthem by clicking and dragging.
Content Comparison