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General Navigation 

The WebFOCUS content catalog is based upon the Resource tree found along the left hand margin and also within the Resources tool bar along the upper right of the screen at login time. It usually easier to use the default left hand resources tree that display when you log in.  There will be a Public folder for content shared with everyone, currently there is not any shared Public content within there.

To expand a folder, 

  1. To expand the menu tree on the left and to access the reports within each subject area, click on the arrow  to the left of the folder name.

    Menu tree Image Added


  • Standard Reports Folder – contains many different standardized reports that prompt you for specific information to generate a report that is unique to your organization.
  • My Content Folder – is used to store customized reports that you have designed, as well as any schedules you have created using Report Caster
  • Shared Content Folder – holds ALL WebFOCUS users’ shared reports within each individual’s own folder (alphabetical by first name)


A shared folder, is NOT the same and does NOT contain the same reports as the Standard Reports Folder. Shared Reports are customized specifically to the user who designed it.

Folders Image Added

Running a report from WebFOCUS 

  1. From the list of Standard Financial Reports, click on the name of the report.  The parameters screen will display

  2. Enter your required parameters.
    Report Parameters Image Added


    Select Status boxes are multi‐select. You can hold down the CTRL key and click to select multiple options. 
    Multi-select Status parameter Image Added

  3. Click Run in new window.
    Run in new windowImage Added
  4. Click Run to submit the request. 


    Reports can output in HTML, PDF, or Excel. When output to HTML, links in the report lead directly to relevant KFS screens or other vWebFocus reports.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "kb-how-to-article" and type = "page" and space = "IKB"
