Use the following steps to add a user lookup to the form which can be used later on in a workflow step for routing/approval.
Open the Advanced gadgets section
Drag Data Lookup (List) to the form palette.
Click on Data Source | Choose in the configuration area for the gadget
Select Kuali Data | Users and click on Continue
5. In the gadget configuration section you can click on Add extra user details to have the netid or email displayed along with the name to help with distinguishing people with the same name. This might not be enough however. As an additional benefit you can drag a Data Lookup (Single Item) on the form and configure it to use the username from the Data Lookup (List)
Then you can turn on the Add linked auto-filled gadgets for this item and provide additional details that will aid in correctly identifying the person in the user lookup.
Additional information on the Advanced or Smart Gadgets can be found at the following link: