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Application Maintenance
<TODO>Rush's notes</TODO>
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Customer Request List
Task # | Task | Developer Notes | Type | Status |
1 | Please change Heading to UConn Tax & Compliance Department | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
2 | If answered yes to married, please change follow up question to “Is your spouse a U.S. citizen, Green Card Holder, or U.S. Tax Resident? | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
3 | Please change description for Social Security Number field to also include ITIN. “Social Security Number or Taxpayer Identification Number” | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
4 | Please add a “Not Applicable” option for “Type of Employee” and “What UConn department are you working for?”. I don’t want to remove these questions because there are instances when we will be handling employees but a lot of the NRAs that our department meets with will not be employees. | New | COMPLETE | |
4 | The “Postal Code” should be a required field under Foreign Address | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
6 | Please change question wording to “Did you live in a different country than the one listed as your Foreign Residence prior to coming to the United States?” (This should be a required question.) Please remove the address section the pops when you select yes. In place of the address section please add the following two questions which should be required fields. | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
7 | If Yes to #6, above, Add two additional questions: What country did you live in? | New | COMPLETE | |
8 | Next to Passport Number can we add a little pop up picture that shows were the passport number is located on the passport. Same with the visa number. I see that you added small blue print under the visa number field to address this question but I wonder if a picture would be more helpful. We can blur out the numbers from an actual passport or find an example online to use. We always get questions about what number they are supposed to enter. Clarified from Email: Maybe it can be a pop up image if they hover over the field… that possible? I’ve attached the images I would like to add next to each of the following fields:
Note: Attachments sent have been added to this doc. for reference purposes. | Please note: The way the form displays the example images is subject to change, based on user feedback | New | COMPLETE |
9 | Please rephrase “Have you ever had another immigration status/visa type in the US” to “Have you previously been issued a U.S. visa other than your current U.S. visa?" | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
10 | If Yes to #9, add 5 (10 total) additional fields: Previous U.S. Visa Type __________ Year Issued__________ Previous U.S. Visa Type __________ Year Issued__________ Previous U.S. Visa Type __________ Year Issued__________ Previous U.S. Visa Type __________ Year Issued__________ Previous U.S. Visa Type __________ Year Issued__________ | New | COMPLETE | |
11 | Please change “Attach page 1 of Passport” to “Attach identification page of passport” | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
12 | I’d like to request another attachment. *Attach passport pages that show entry and exit stamps. | New | COMPLETE | |
13 | Please change “attach Visa page of passport” to “Attach your current U.S. visa and any prior U.S. visas” | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
14 | Very last attachment request, the i should be capitalized. Please change to I-20. Also, please put a dash for DS-2019. | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
15 | At the bottom, before they hit submit, can we add a small check box for a certification statement that says, “I hereby certify that my answers are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if any of this information changes, I must inform the Tax & Compliance Department.” | New | COMPLETE | |
16 | Under What department are you working for? – the very first drop down option should be NOT APPICABLE, NON-EMPLOYEE | New | COMPLETE | |
17 | Please change the date format for “passport expiration date” to be month/day/year | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
18 | For the question “Have you previously been issued a U.S. visa other than your current U.S. visa?”, we should only show the underlying fields when the person selects “yes”. | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
19 | If Yes to #18, above, add 2 (4 total) additional fields: If the person answers yes – then following fields pop up: Previous U.S. Visa Type __________ Year Issued__________ Previous U.S. Visa Type __________ Year Issued__________ | Please note: This is a modification to Task #10, above... Instead of 5 such fields, it now show only 2. | Modify Existing | COMPLETE |
20 | For the last attachment, please add a hyphen so it reads I-94. | Modify Existing | COMPLETE | |
21 | Add the following language to the form, which would fulfill the UConn Information Technology Services' IT Security Office's requirement of notifying/educating individual filling out the form, as to why the SSN/ITN number is being elicited from them— Regarding the request by the University of Connecticut for your Taxpayer Identification Number(“TIN”) or Social Security Number(“SSN”): Pursuant to IRS Treasury Regulations §1.6050S-1(a) and §1.1461-1(c)(1), UConn is required to file information returns (Form 1098-T and Form 1042-S) annually to report payments of qualified tuition and related expenses and payments of income to nonresident aliens. IRS Treasury Regulation §1.6050S-1(b)(2)(ii) requires Form 1098-T to include the taxpayer identification number of the enrolled student. IRS Treasury Regulation §1.1461-1(c)(3)(vi) requires Form 1042-S to include the taxpayer identification number of the payee if known by withholding agent or if required under Treasury Regulation §1.441-1(e)(4)(iii) which states that a withholding certificate from a nonresident alien will be deemed invalid without a taxpayer identification number when the nonresident alien is claiming an exemption from nonresident income tax withholding. If the University fails to report a TIN when one is required or reports an incorrect TIN, the University may be subject to reporting penalties and interest under Internal Revenue Code §6721. | Please note: This has been added within the section at the beginning of the form. Placement and the way it is displayed is subject to change, per user feedback. | New | COMPLETE |
UNDER U.A.T. | ||||
22 | Next to UConn Employee ID include “, if applicable” | COMPLETE | ||
23 | Next to UConn student ID, please add a and add the attached image of the HuskyOne Card. | Partially complete; waiting on the example image to be uploaded, so that the correct image is shown in the pop-up; however, the code logic has been done. | COMPLETE | |
24 | If the person selects “NOT APPLICABLE, NON-EMPLOYEE” for the question, “What UConn department are you working for?”, can we gray-out or inactivate the “type of employee” question that follows it? I can totally see individuals selecting “student” even if they are not going to be employed by the University. If we can’t inactivate this section, I would put “Not Applicable” at the very top and change it to say, “Not Applicable, not a UConn employee”. Put the “student” answer 4th in the list after 1) Not Applicable, not a UConn employee, 2) Faculty, 3) Staff. If it’s the first option, it will be selected erroneously even if the student is not going to be employed by the University. | Recommendation: We could present an overarching choice: Are you a UConn Employee, Student, or Both? If They select UConn Employee, the following two fields show:
If the user selects Student, then the following field shows up:
If they select Both, all three fields from above show up. | COMPLETE | |
25 | Please use the attached edited photo the next to Passport Number. I feel more comfortable using one that has less details | Waiting on the example image to be uploaded, so that the correct image is shown in the pop-up | COMPLETE | |
26 | When a person selects “yes” to have you ever been issued a US visa other than your current visa, this is what pops up: PLEASE REPLACE THIS SECTION WITH the same table being used by the Payroll dept except we’d like to remove the other column. Please format all date fields to be month/day/year. | COMPLETE | ||
27 | For the attachments…..there does not appear to be a way to attach more than one pdf document to each request. For example, if a person needs to upload more than one U.S. visa, there should be an option to add more than one pdf for that specific request. | In a MS Teams meeting, Laura mentioned that ideally she would like to have an extra attachment for Visa and an extra attachment for entry/exit stamps... totaling 7 attachments for the form—right now, we have 5—however, she mentioned that she is fine with 5. In order to avoid any confusion for the user filling out the form, a language was added to the top of the attachments section. | NOT DOING | |
28 | Underneath the attachments, can you add a note that says the following, “If you do not have one of the documents that is required to be attached to this application, please save this application in draft form and send an email with your name and contact info to and we will advise you how to proceed.” | COMPLETE | ||
29 | After the person submits the form, we get an email with a link to the form. When we click on the link to the form, there is a button on the very bottom of the form that says “generate pdf”. The pdf form that is generated does NOT match the online form that was submitted. The pdf form that is created appears to be using the Payroll Dept’s Foreign National form. It appears as though our answers are trying to be entered into the Payroll department’s form. The questions and answers don’t line up. | COMPLETE | ||
30 | When a pdf of the submission is created, is it possible to include all the attachments in the pdf copy so it’s one big pdf file | System limitation: Leap cannot combine all the PDFs into one big pdf, unfortunately. | NOT DOING |
User Provided Attachments
Technical Notes
Global JavaScript
Application onStart
Code Description | Inclusion Justification (i.e. why are you doing this?) |
Add addition methods to dojo.NodeList | Allows for easier manipulation of HTML as it relates to the nodes in the dojo.NodeList. More information at |
Add UConn Branding / Header etc. by referencing a CSS file that is centrally located/managed (at server) | Ummm.... branding? standards? |
Form Event
Code Description | What is being done? |
onNew |
orgCode = Foreign National Form > Personal Information > What UConn department are you working for? > Options > Saved Value
External Libraries Used
Library | Reason for Inclusion | Where used? |
jQuery Slim v3.5.1 | Pre-requisite for using Help Utils | N/A - Its a pre-req for using Help Utils |
Help Utils v1.4 | For providing a icon which, upon clicking it, show a dialog box with specified (HTML) content |
Form Events
# | Field | Event Type | Field Dependency | What is being done? |
1 | F_GeneratePDF | onClick | When designated user clicks this button, a service is called which will map user provided information from the form to a source PDF (supplied by Tax and Compliance). All mappings are done within the service itself. Ref service for mapping-specific information. | |
2 | F_Spouse | onHide | F_Married = Yes |
3 | F_NumberOfChildren | onHide | F_Married = Yes |
4 | F_Department | onItemChange | If NOT APPLICABLE, NON-EMPLOYEE option is selected from this drop-down, we hide F_EmployeeType field — could not use a rule to accomplish this, as the drop-down is programmatically generated | |
5 | F_EmployeeType | onHide | F_SL_DeptSelected != NOT APPLICABLE, NON-EMPLOYEE |
6 | F_TypeOfStudent | onHide | F_EmployeeType = Student |
7 | F_StudentTypeOther | onHide | F_TypeOfStudent = Other |
8 | F_PassportNumber | onShow |
| |
9 | F_VisaNumber | onShow |
| |
10 | F_AttachPassportPages | onShow |
| |
11 | F_StudentID | onShow |
| |
12 | F_ImmigrationOther | onHide | F_ImmigrationStatusChoic = Other |
13 | F_J1orJ2 | onHide | F_ImmigrationStatusChoic = J-1 Exchange Visitor or F_ImmigrationStatusChoic = J-2 Spouse or Child of Exchange Visitor |
File Name | Inclusion Justification (i.e. why are you adding this?) |
Service Name | Why did you create this service and what does it do? |
Post Production/Go-Live Enhancements
Task # | Task | Developer Notes | Type | Status |
1 | Change the Action Confirmation Message, of when the user submits the form, as requested | Enhancement | COMPLETE | |
2 | Change the Confirmation Email that the user receives after submitting the form, as requested
| Enhancement | COMPLETE | |
3 | If the user saves the form as a draft PRIOR TO selecting a department, the next time the user goes back to the form (i.e. resumes the draft), the department list won't be populated / i.e. the drop-down won't be populated with the list of departments that the user can pick from | I noticed this while I was doing (dev) testing... so I rectified this bug by moving the logic that populates department dropdown from "onNew" event to "onLoad" — apparently, as soon as the user saves the form as a draft, it is no longer considered a "New" form... | Bug Fix | COMPLETE |
4 | Since the SSN/TIN field is: not required AND part of the section that auto-populates, the customer was concerned that the user might skip over that field... so requested if the field could be highlighted... | The field had a custom class already; all that was needed to be done was some jQuery magic ![]() | Enhancement | COMPLETE |