iPad or Laptop Loan - Check-in

These instructions are specifically for Stamford ITS


Check-in steps must be completed while the client is still present at IT Help Desk.  This is to ensure transparency when inspecting device for damage.

Check in device

  1. Find the associated ticket for the loan. This can be found by searching the client’s NetID in Jira,
  2. Open the ticket and click on Add form and add Loaner Check-In.
  3. Complete the form as listed. The goal of this section is to verify that the device is in working order and is the correct one with all accessories.

    • The computer must turn on and not have damage before the ticket is closed.

  4. Hit Save and Submit. This will close the ticket and mark it as “Resolved”. The client is free to leave at this point.
  5. Return all accessories to where they belong.
  6. Place a check-in sticker on device and notify Stamford ITS Staff immediately as a Reset of device is needed,  

Reset iPad

Instructions for Stamford ITS Staff

On the check-in sticker on the iPad, check off steps as they are completed.

  1. Follow these instructions from Apple to erase all contents and settings:Return iPad settings to their defaults

  2. If the client placed an Activation Lock on the iPad, we will have to erase the iPad via DFU recovery or via a Jamf remote wipe command (will need to contact ITS staff for this).

Reset laptop

Instructions for Stamford ITS Staff

On the check-in sticker on the laptop, check off steps as they are completed.

  1. Turn on the computer. Plug into wired internet (Ethernet).

  2. Once at the sign-in screen, press Ctrl+Win+R to open the Autopilot Reset interface.

    • If the Autopilot Reset interface does not appear, you will have to trigger the reset remotely: Windows Autopilot Reset

  3. Enter your admin credentials (NetIDadmin@ad.uconn.edu) and proceed to start the Autopilot Reset.

  4. Once the process starts, you can unplug the computer and place it into the loaner cart.

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