Migrate YouTube Channel

If you have used your UConn Google account to create a university operations related YouTube account, example: Welcome Videos for New Students, you need to take action to maintain the channel before your UConn Google account is deleted.

To keep your YouTube channel operational, you must convert it to a Brand Account and then transfer ownership.

For security reasons, this process takes 7 days.

Convert your channel to a Brand Account

  1. Visit https://www.youtube.com/account and sign in with your UConn Google account.

  2. Click on Create a new channel.

  3. Enter a name for the new Channel.

  4. Enter a phone number to verify the account.

  5. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner and then Switch account in order to switch back to your old channel (not the newly created one). Note: you may have already been switched back to your old channel.

  6. Now go back to https://www.youtube.com/account and click on Advanced settings.

  7. Click on Move channel to a brand account. You will be asked to sign in again for security purposes.

  8. Click on your new Brand account to migrate your existing channel’s data into it.

  9. Click on Delete channel to proceed. The migration wipes the receiving account clean; this is why a new channel was created while following this guide.

  10. Click on Move channel to proceed,

  11. Please wait up to 10 minutes for the changes to take place.

  12. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner and then Switch account in order to switch to your new channel. Note the you old account will now say “No channel”. This confirms that we migrated the channel.

  13. Again navigate to https://www.youtube.com/account.

  14. Click on Add or remove manager(s) to add another Google account. This added account will take ownership of this Brand Account. Make sure the added account is not a UConn Google account.

  15. You will be asked to sign in again for security purposes.

  16. Click on Manage Permissions.

  17. Click on the person icon in the top right corner to add another account.

  18. Once you accept the email invitation, you can refresh your window and see the new user. In the help guide, we will be making Andrew the new owner (screenshot below).

You must now wait 7 days before you can transfer ownership to the new user.

Transfer Ownership

Once the new user has been an Owner for 7 days they can become the Primary Owner.

  1. Return to https://www.youtube.com/account .

  2. Click on Add or remove manager(s).

  3. Click on Manage Permissions.

  4. Click on the drop-down arrow to alter the permissions of the new user. Change the user to Primary Owner.

  5. Click on Transfer Ownership to finalize the change.