Webex - End-to-End Encryption (E2EE)

Webex - End-to-End Encryption (E2EE)

E2EE is available for all UConn Webex accounts however it is not turned on by default due to the session's limitations compared to standard encryption sessions.


The session will be encrypted at each end point (laptop, smartphone, etc.). Every user will have the same unique key for the session that they can share with one another to confirm their connection.

Limitations of E2EE

  1. Limit of 200 people in a session

  2. Limitations of Recording:

    1. If you would like to enable the recording of your E2EE meetings, recording will be enforced for all of your sessions (both standard encryption and E2EE).
      When enabled, hosts cannot reassign, edit, disable, or delete recorded sessions.

    2. This will be taken case by case. If you are satisfied with having your E2EE sessions unrecorded, you do not need to worry about this.

  3. No Webex Assistant or Embedded Apps

  4. No PSTN access (no joining by phone number instead of app)

  5. Only Webex Room devices are supported. Devices commonly found in classrooms (SX, DX, or MX codecs) are not.

    1. The Webex Room devices, common in department spaces, are supported.

    2. If your space has been updated to a non-codec camera, such as the Logitech Meetup, do not worry about this bullet.

    3. If you do join with a Webex Room device, you need to be one of the first 25 participants

Standard Meeting Encryption:

  1. Any codec (Webex device)

  2. 1,000 people

  3. Recording

  4. Webex Assistant

    1. Closed captioning

    2. Transcription

  5. Supports PSTN (joining by phone number instead of app)

  6. Supports Embedded Apps, like Slido

E2EE Enabling

Reach out to ITS at techsupport.uconn.edu to let us know that you have read this guide and would like E2EE enabled in my account.

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