Webex Dial Commands

When joining a Webex session using a phone line (not the smartphone app) or certain UConn Rooms, users may control their presence using keypad combinations, also known as DTMF commands.

Join Method

Host Commands







Hear all keypad commands that you can use


Use a synthetic voice to tell you the command list.

Let participants continue the teleconference without the host

*8 Then hang up your phone.

This command is the equivalent of clicking Leave Meeting instead of End Meeting For All on the computer. You will leave the session without ending the session.

Lock/Unlock the session


Blocks all entry or allows others to join. Useful for interviews. 

If a participant drops out (ex. poor Wi-Fi connection), you will need to unlock the room for them to rejoin.

A scheduled session always starts in an unlocked state. A Personal Room begins locked.

Candidates sometimes like to join their interview ahead of their time to make sure their connection works. If they do this in an unlocked room, they may inadvertently join the at tail end of the interview that was scheduled before theirs.

For more information about this command, see Locking the Webex Room

Meeting reminder email to Host


Send a reminder email to the Host.

Mute all attendees


Mute everyone who is unmuted.

Mute/Unmute your microphone


Mute/unmute your phone's microphone.

Play the participant count


Use a synthetic voice to tell you the number of participants in the session.

Unmute all attendees


Unmute everyone who is muted and not otherwise restricted from speaking.

Attendee Commands







Hear all keypad commands that you can use


Use a synthetic voice to tell you the command list.

Mute/Unmute your microphone


Mute/unmute your phone's microphone.

Play the participant count


Use a synthetic voice to tell you the amount of participants in the session.

Cisco Remote and TouchPanel Commands


Key Sequence (use the dial keypad or remote)



Key Sequence (use the dial keypad or remote)


Lock or unlock meeting


Block all entry or allows others to join.

  • Useful for interviews. 

    If a participant drops out (ex. poor Wi-Fi connection), you will need to unlock the room for them to rejoin.

    The Webex room always starts in an unlocked state.

Candidates sometimes like to join their interview ahead of their time to make sure their connection works. If they do this in an unlocked room, they may inadvertently join the at tail end of the interview that was scheduled before theirs.

For more information about this command, see Locking the Webex Room.

Mute all


Mute the microphone of every participant.

  • Useful for calls with many participants, and for environments with excessive background noise (e.g., dogs barking, people moving around in background)

    All participants can mute or unmute themselves. However, this global mute command, along with the other commands in this table, can only be used by the host. 

Unmute all


Mute or unmute yourself

  • TouchPanel: Use the Press to Mute Conference Mic button in the top left corner 

  • Cisco Remote: Use the microphone mute button on the remote.

Mute your microphone. If you are in a UConn Room that has multiple microphones, this command will mute all of them.

Start Recording


Record your Meeting and save it to the webex.uconn.edu website. Learn how to access your recorded meetings. 

When you create a recording from a UConn classroom, it will not show in your personal Recorded Meetings. Instead, reach out to techsupport@uconn.eduThe Academic IT department will transfer ownership of the recording to your account.

Stop Recording


Change Participant Layout


Available when using Connect to video system and when conducting the call from a conference room VTC device. 

  • Press 8 until you arrive at your desired participant layout.

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