Creating a Sway

Creating a Sway

UConn users with an Office 365 account can create a Microsoft Sway, which is an interactive presentation that is much more versatile than a PowerPoint. To create a Sway, please first visit sway.office.com to sign in, and click on the Create New button.

The Sway Storyline

The Storyline is where you type, insert, edit, and format the content of your presentation. Content is arranged sequentially by adding cards that each contain information such as text, images, videos, or other Office documents. These cards can quickly be rearranged to change the flow of the presentation.

Titling your Sway

Click the Title your Sway placeholder text in the first Storyline card, and type in your desired title. When you share your Sway, this title will be the first thing that others will see.

Adding Images and Text

To add content to your Sway, click on the + icon at the bottom of any card. Alternatively, you can drag and drop text or images directly onto your Storyline.

Adding Other Content

In the menu bar, click Insert and select the desired content source from the drop down menu and then use the Search sources box to find your content.

Preview your Sway

By clicking on the Design tab, you can view how your Sway will appear to others when it is shared. Click on the Play button at the top menu bar to fully experience your Sway.

Change the Style of your Sway

Sway takes care of formatting your content so that you can focus on the information you are trying to communicate. If you would like to customize the layout, click Design in the menu bar and then select Styles. For a random layout, click the Remix! button. You can adjust specific parts of the currently applied style by clicking on the Customize button in the Styles pane.

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