Location Import

HR/CORE-CT data is retrieved using the HRISWebAPI.


RS_PS_LOCATION_TBL                  java field                             Page-Up field

LOCATION                                      locationID                            LocationID

EFFDT                                             effectiveDate

EFF_STATUS                                    effectiveStatus

DESCR                                            description                         Name

DESCRSHORT                                  descriptionShort             

BUILDING                                       building

COUNTRY                                       country

ADDRESS1                                      addressLine

CITY                                               city                                        

STATE                                             state

POSTAL                                          postalCode

SETID                                              setID

                                                       country                                Country

                                                       state                                      State

Find all Effective Sites:

For each location id, retrieve the row with an effectiveStatus of “A” and the most recent effectiveDate.


Create Page-up file:

Page-up locationID is the locationID.

Page-up name is the description.

Page-up country defaults to “USA”.

Page-up country defaults to “CT”.

Fields are separated by the pipe (|) delimiter.

Name of the file:


Sample data:


0008|School Of Social Work|USA|CT

0010|Hartford County Extension Ctr|USA|CT

0015|Tolland County Extension Ctr|USA|CT


0009|Fairfield County Extension Ctr|USA|CT

Execution Command:


Control-M Schedule and Job:


PRD - Not being run in production