The CTDA has two Advisory Committees, one for each of its primary programs CTDA and CTDA Pro.  

Committee Membership

The CTDA Advisory Committee is made up of colleagues and peers from the cultural heritage, digital preservation, and academic communities in Connecticut and represents a wide variety of talents, knowledge, and perspectives. The committee meets quarterly to share experiences and provide advice on CTDA services and programs. Advisory group members serve three-year terms by invitation of the Director of the CTDA. Members represent a diverse group of experts in their respective areas, and will always include representatives from the library, archives, museum, and historical societies as well as relevant state agencies and/or independent experts. The group has a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 12 members.

The CTDA Pro Advisory Committee

The CTDA Pro Advisory Committee is made up of the Deans/Directors (or their designates) of the Libraries of CTDA Pro members. They are responsible for strategic discussions relating to the future of the program and the collaborative relationships, including the financial relationships, among the member Libraries and with the CTDA.

Committee Operations

The CTDA Director chairs  Advisory Committee meetings and develops meeting agendas in consultation with the membership.

Current CTDA Committee Members




Anna Newman

Connecticut State Library


Rebecca Parmer

University of Connecticut


Andrea Rapacz

Connecticut Historical Society


Elizabeth Rose

Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford


Elizabeth Shapiro

Dept. of Economic and Community Development


Mary Anne Stets

Mystic Seaport Museum


Jessica Woolford



Michael Howser

San Diego State University


Christina Volpe

Barnes Museum


Amrys Williams

CT League of History Organizations


CTDA Pro Advisory Committee Members

The CTDA Pro Advisory Committee is in the process of formation.