Please read this page in its entirety! Our process is changing and this page documents how and why.

Ultra Transition Lessons:
Based on the first phase of the Ultra transition in Fall 2024, we learned:

  1. Instructors requesting to convert to Ultra via this Course Copy/Restore form should expect significantly longer wait times (multiple days? could be specific).

  2. Courses converted to Ultra via this Course Copy/Restore form result in more conversion issues and remediation time needed by instructors.

Recommended Alternative:

Details on who should do this and how follow the sections below.

Here are links to some resources available to you to help you build your course in Ultra:

Adding Content and Building Your Ultra Course View Site

Gradebook in the Ultra Course View

CETL Educational Technologies

If you require any support in building your course content in Ultra, please contact CETL EdTech by any of the following means:




Converting an existing Original course to Ultra is only recommended for users who have a detailed understanding of the conversion process, and are only converting small, simple courses that do not use many Blackboard features.

It is the experience of the LMS team that users who converted their Original courses to Ultra experienced more issues than those who built there courses from scratch. Therefore, this is not a recommended process for most users. However, the guide below documents the process should you decide that you would like to do this.

Conversion Guide for Ultra Course View

If you already have an Ultra course, you may copy your content to another course provided you meet all of the following requirements:

  1. You are copying the contents of a single course to one other course

  2. You do not require your course to be combined with another course

If you meet all of the above requirements, you may perform your own course copy using the following instructions:

Copying an Original Course to an Original course

How to Copy Course Content to Another Course

Copying an Original OR Ultra course to an Ultra course

How to Copy Course Content to an Ultra Course

Assistance or Other Requests

If you are unable to perform the copy yourself, if you need any assistance, of if you do not meet the self-service requirements listed above, please click on the link below to proceed to the regular course copy form so we can track this request in our system.