This article covers how to add, update, or delete your location on Cisco Jabber.
It is a federal and state (CT) requirement to enter your location for 911 calling purposes. |
Click 9LINE gadget on the upper left sidebar.
If this is your first time accessing 9LINE, you will have to sign in. Click Login with SSO. Use your UConn email to login, and enter again when prompted.
Click Update Location.
Click Add New Location. (Skip to the second point if you would like to choose a public location.)
Fill out the individual fields. If necessary, use address line 2 to enter floor, office, room numbers, etc. Press Submit. Note: if there is a location suggestion, you must click it before submitting.
Alternatively, either use the search bar to look up a location or choose one from the list displayed. Press Select Location to make it your current location.
A success notification pops up in the bottom right if your location has been created.
To update your location, click Select Location on another location if it already exists. Otherwise, add a new location and then select that location. A success notification pops up upon update.
You can only rename or delete a location that you have created. If the location is your current location, you will not be able to delete it. Public locations will not have ellipses.
Click the ellipses at the top right corner of a location’s box.
Press Rename or Delete.