Multiple Values

To enter multiple values into any field, use the pipe "|" symbol without any spaces on either side. For example, if there are two subjects listed for an object they should be entered as subject1|subject2.

Column Headings

Consult the table below to see which column headings correspond to metadata elements.

You will not use or need all of the columns to ingest content into the repository. Any blank columns on your spreadsheet template will be skipped when ingested. Also, feel free to remove any unused or unwanted columns from your spreadsheet template. Removing columns does not impact the spreadsheet ingest process.

Depending on the template you are using, you may not see all of the columns listed below. If you have any questions, or would like to customize a template, please email

Column HeadingMetadata ElementUse
binary_fileNoneEnter the name of the digital object you are describing in the row of the spreadsheet
labelDrupal labelEnter a label for your object, it should match the title in the Title column
Title<title>Enter the title of the object
Title_Type<titleInfo type=" ">

If your object has any multiple titles, enter them in this column. Acceptable values are:

abbreviated, translated, alternative, uniform

Sub_Title<subTitle>Enter the subtitle for your object
Supplied<titleInfo supplied="yes">If you have supplied a title for this object, choose "yes" from the dropdown
Name_Personal<name type="personal">Enter the name of the person who created or contributed to the object.
Name_Personal_authority<name authority=" ">If the name(s) in the Name_Personal column came from an authority, enter the authority here.
Name_Personal_authorityURI<name authorityURI=" ">Enter the URI for the authority for the name in the Name_Personal column.
Name_Personal_valueURI<name valueURI=" ">Enter the value from the authority for the person(s) in the Name_Personal column.
Name_Personal_role<role type="text" authority="marcrelator>Enter the role(s) for the person(s) named in the Name_Personal column. Please consult the MARCRelator controlled vocabulary to populate this element.
Name_Corporate<name type="corporate">Enter the name of the corporate entity that created or contributed to the object.
Name_Corporate_authority<name authority=" ">If the name(s) in the Name_Corporate column came from an authority, enter the authority here.
Name_Corporate_authorityURI<name authorityURI=" ">Enter the URI for the authority for the name in the Name_Corporate column.
Name_Corporate_valueURI<name valueURI=" ">Enter the value from the authority for the person(s) in the Name_Corporate column.
Name_Corporate_role<role type="text" authority="marcrelator>Enter the role(s) for the corporate names in the Name_Corporate column. Please consult the MARCRelator controlled vocabulary to populate this element.
Name_Family<name type="family">Enter the name of the family that created or contributed to the object.
Name_Family_authority<name authority=" ">If the name(s) in the Name_Family column came from an authority, enter the authority here.
Name_Family_authorityURI<name authorityURI=" ">Enter the URI for the authority for the name in the Name_Family column.
Name_Family_valueURI<name valueURI=" ">Enter the value from the authority for the person(s) in the Name_Family column.
Name_Family_role<role type="text" authority="marcrelator>Enter the role(s) for the family(ies) named in the Name_Family column. Please consult the MARCRelator controlled vocabulary to populate this element.
Type_of_Resource<typeOfResource>Select one of the options from the dropdown menu.
Genre<genre>Enter the genre type of the object.
Genre_authority<genre authority=" ">Enter the authority, if used, to populate the genre type in the Genre column. We suggest you use AAT.
Genre_authorityURI<genre authorotyURI=" ">Enter the URI of the authority used from the Genre_authority column.
Genre_valueURI<genre valueURI=" ">Enter the URI from the authority for the term entered in the Genre column.

encoding="w3cdtf" keyDate="yes">

If you object has a date, enter it in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. If your date has a qualifier, enter the pipe symbol "|" followed by the qualifier in the same cell as the date. Accepted qualifier values are: approximate, inferred, or questionable

encoding="w3cdtf" keyDate="yes">

If your object has a date range, enter the first date un the following format: YYYY-MM-DD followed by the pipe symbol "|". Enter the second date after the pipe symbol in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. 

If these dates are qualified, enter them like this: YYYY-MM-DD|qualifier|YYYY-MM-DD|qualifier

Note: You need to qualify both dates in the date range.

Place_Publisher<place> and <publisher>Enter the place of publication followed by the pipe symbol "|" and then enter the name of the publisher.
Language<languageTerm>Enter the language of the object.
Language_Term_type<languageTerm type= " "Choose either code or text depending on what is entered in the Language column.
Language_Term_authority<languageTerm authority=" ">Enter the authority consulted to populate the term in the Language column. We recommend the iso639-2b standard.
Issuance<issuance>Choose a value from the dropdown to denote how the object was issued.
Frequency<frequency>Enter the publication frequency of your object (applies to newspaper issues mostly).
Frequency_authority<frequency authority=" ">Enter the authority used to populate the data in the Frequency column. We recommend using marcfrequency
Description<abstract>Enter the description of the item.
Identifier_local<identifier type="local">Enter any kind of local identifier. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Identifier_oclc<identifier type="oclc">Enter any OCLC numbers here. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Digital_Format<internetMediaType>Select the file format of the object from the dropdown.
Digital_Origin<digitalOrigin>Select the digital origin of the object.
HeldBy<note type="ownership">Select the name of your institution from the dropdown list.
Subject_Topic<topic>Enter the subject topic.
Subject_Topic_authority<topic authority=" ">Enter the name of the authority used to populate the topic in the Subject_Topic column. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Topic_authorityURI<topic authorityURI=" ">Enter the URI for the authority listed in the Subject_Topic_authority column. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Topic_valueURI<topic valueURI=" ">Enter the URI for the value listed in the Subject_Topic column from the authority listed in the Subject_Topic_authority column. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Geographic_authority<geographic authority=" ">
Subject_Geographic_authorityURI<geographic authorityURI=" ">
Subject_Geographic_valueURI<geographic valueURI=" ">
Subject_Temporal_encoding<temporal encoding=" ">
Subject_Temporal_point<temporal point=" ">
Subject_Name_personal<name type="personal">Enter the name of the person who is the subject of the object. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_personal_authority<name authority=" ">If the name(s) in the Subject_Name_personal column came from an authority, enter the authority here. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_personal_authorityURI<name authorityURI=" ">Enter the URI for the authority for the name in the Subject_Name_personal column. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_personal_valueURI<name valueURI=" ">Enter the value from the authority for the person(s) in the Subject_Name_personal column. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_personal_date<name date=" ">Enter any dates associated with the names subject. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_corporate<name type="corporate">Enter the name of the corporate entity that is the subject of the object. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_corporate_authority<name authority=" ">If the name(s) in the Subject_Name_corporate column came from an authority, enter the authority here. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_corporate_authorityURI<name authorityURI=" ">Enter the URI for the authority for the name in the Subject_Name_corporate column. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_corporate_valueURI<name valueURI=" ">Enter the value from the authority for the person(s) in the Subject_Name_corporate column. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Name_corporate_date<name date=" ">Enter any dates associated with the named subject. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Subject_Genre_authority<genre authority=" ">
Subject_Genre_authorityURI<genre authorotyURI=" ">
Subject_Genre_valueURI<genre valueURI=" ">
Rights<accessConditions type="use and reproduction">Select the standardized rights statement that applies to your object. Visit the CTDA Standardized Rights Statement Guide for more information.

<accessCondition type="local use">

Enter any local use statement here. The local use statement cannot contradict the rights status of the object denoted in the Rights column.
Related_Item_Type<relatedItem type=" ">Select a value from the dropdown list.
Note<note>Enter any notes about the object. Use the Note_source and Note_local columns for any source or local notes about the object. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Note_type<note type=" ">Enter the type of note entered in the Note column. Check the MODS <note> Type web page to see what types of notes other institutions are using. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Note_source<note type="source">Enter any source notes. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.
Note_local<note type="local">Enter any local notes. Enter multiple entries using the pipe " | " after each entry in this column.

<mods:accessCondition type="restriction on access">

Enter any access restrictions to the object.

<mods:note type="preferred citation">

Enter the preferred citation for the object.
Medium<mods:form>Enter the physical form or medium of the resource you are describing.
Reformatting_Quality<mods:reformattingQuality>Choose a value from the dropdown list.
Record_Content_Source<mods:recordContentSource>Enter the name of the organization that created the metadata for the object
Record_Creation_Date<mods:recordCreationDate>Enter the date the record was created using the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Record_Identifier<mods:recordIdentifier>Enter a unique identifier for the metadata record created for the object
Physical_Location<mods:physicalLocation>Enter the institution or repository that hold the object described in the metadata record
Physical_Location_authority<mods:physicalLocation authority =" ">Enter the authority consulted to fill in the Physical_Location column.
Physical_Location_authorityURI<mods:physicalLocation authorityURI=" ">Enter the URI for the authority entered into the Physical_Location_authority column.
Physical_Location_valueURI<mods:physicalLocation valueURI=" ">Enter the valueURI for the institution or repository listed in the Physical_Location column.



pidFedora Metadata

Only use this column after consulting CTDA Staff!

Assign a pid to an object being added to the repository starting a namespace, followed by a colon ( : ), and then any alphanumeric string of text without spaces.

parent_objectFedora Metadata

Enter the pid of an object already in the repository your object will appear under.

For Paged Content. Enter the pid of the book or newspaper issue the page belongs to.

For Newspaper Issues. Enter the pid of the newspaper object the issue belongs to.

parent_predicateFedora Metadata

Choose a predicate from the dropdown.

For Paged Content. Choose isMemberOf

For Children Objects of Compound Objects. Choose isConstituentOf 

cmodelFedora MetadataChoose a content model for your object from the dropdown list. Review the Working with Content Models Guide to learn more. 
isPageNumberFedora MetadataFor Paged Content Only. Enter the page number of object as it should appear in the book.
isPageOfFedora MetadataFor Paged Content Only. Enter the pid of the object the page belongs to. This should match the data entered into the parent_object column.
isSequenceNumberFedora Metadata

Paged Content. Enter the sequence number of the page as it should appear in the book. This should match the number listed in the isPageNumber column.

Newspaper Issues. Enter the sequence number for each issue as it was released under the newspaper title.

dateIssuedFedora MetadataFor Newspaper Issues Only. Enter the date the newspaper issue was issued.


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