With a little prep beforehand and a quick setting change during the session, you can have the Webex Recorder focus on one participant regardless of who is speaking.

Before Session Prep

  1. Navigate to UConn Webex and sign in using your NetID.
  2.  Click on Preferences in the left-hand menu. Choose Recording.
  3. In both rows of video layout options, choose Focus(ed).
  4. Click Home in the left-hand menu and begin your session from this website.

Your Webex Desktop App syncs its own settings with the website at regular intervals. Begin your session from the website to be certain your new settings will be in effect.

At the beginning of your Session

  1. Wait for your presenter to join the session.
  2. Hover your mouse over the presenter and click on the ellipsis button that appears. Click on Move to stage.
  3. Click on Layout in the top right corner of the video window. Uncheck Show active speaker in stage to remove the active speaker from the stage.
  4. You will now see your presenter taking precedence while the other participants sit atop the main video.
  5. Press Record to begin recording the session.

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