Issues and Resolutions :
1. spring bean override issue caused uconn's ojb-ar.xml is not loaded.
The issue is overridden following bean. This bean is also overriden in spring-test-env-beans.xml. Based on the order of loading, 'spring-test-env-beans.xml' is loaded last. Therefore, it will use bean from 'spring-test-env-beans.xml'. There are a couple of solutions. Since Uconn is not using the unit test from Foundation, so removed 'spring-test-env-beans.xml' from after discussion with dev team.
<bean id="arModuleConfiguration" parent="arModuleConfiguration-parentBean">
2. schema loading issue :
If we use the schemaLocation with DEV url and not running Tomcat locally, this test is going to fail, because it won't be able to find the schema, such as electronicInvoice.xsd, unless Tomcat is running locally.
Therefore, for unit test purpose, let's set the schemaLocation to kfs-uat url.
'kfs-uat' is using "https", then there is SSL cert issue needs to be resolved. You may see following exception : PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
You can google this exception to find resolution. Following is the one I used to resolve this exception:
3. If you are going to test a protected method, which is not declared in 'service' interface, in 'impl' class, then you can get bean like following to use "TestUtils.getUnproxiedService" :
pdpExtractService = (PdpExtractServiceImpl)TestUtils.getUnproxiedService("pdpExtractService");
Then test method 'updatePaymentRequest' which is a protected method in 'impl' class like following:
pdpExtractService.updatePaymentRequest(paymentRequestDocument, puser, new Date());
This example is in 'PdpExtractServiceImplTest'.