The given costs are ONLY estimates. Final costs are pursuant to a quote from the appropriate vendor.
CPU node (128 AMD Epyc cores) | $17,000.00 |
GPU node (64 AMD Epyc cores, 1x nVIDIA A100 gpu) | $18,000.00 |
GPU node (64 AMD Epyc cores, 3x nVIDIA A100 gpus) | $22,000.00 |
This includes ITS infrastructure and licensing costs. Actual cost may differ and will depend on a formal quote from Dell.
The given costs are ONLY estimates. Final costs are pursuant to a quote from the appropriate vendor.
Also, GPU supply is tight, and Dell may need to substitute a different card in place of the A100.
Interested parties should be direct affiliates of UConn. We do not allow external businesses to directly purchase equipment, but current UConn faculty may use grant funds from corporate sources.
Interested faculty may submit a PI Equipment Request Form and a formal quote from Dell will be generated and forwarded for review.