A (mix of high-level / detailed) log of what has been accomplished by me, for a given week
Why create it?
I decided to do this for several reasons... The key Idea/intention/motivation behind this was threefold:
Anyone with vested interest can "watch" this page and get updated with what's going on with things that I am working on, their progress (i.e. where we are with respect to a given project) etc.
As a result of #1, above, the status update meetings can be streamlined and made more efficient in terms of meeting time, respecting everyone's (already limited) time
Year-end task of compiling the list of Activities and Achievements will go a lot smoother
Not to mention, I was tired of scribbling notes in Notepad
Stay informed
I highly recommend "watching" this page, if you have vested interest, as doing so the system will send an email showing a diff (along with a short note, if one is provided when updating this page) of what was added/removed/changed etc.
Status Update Conventions
The start date is the same as the previous week's end date, as the status update happens in the middle of the AM
The previous week's updates shall NOT be updated, if they happen after the status update. Rather, they shall be included within the next status update log
To understand this better, consider the following sequence of events as an example:
For week of -
1 Tasks A - D are accomplished.
2 Task A - D are mentioned within the update log of — .
3 Status update meeting occurs.
4 Task E gets accomplished sometime during the day following Status update meeting.
5 Task E, then, gets included in the next status update's log of —
Conversely, if there are any clarifications/typos etc. (in essence, anything related to clarifying Tasks A - D, so that the reader has a clearer understanding, they will be updated in that week's update log (in our example, that would be the Update log of —
Therefore, to address this scenario, I have intentionally implemented Status Update Convention #1, above.
Table Column Heading Key
For a specified week, what was (a specified) project's priority in relation to other projects for that specified week
Project's priority may change from week to week; this is dependent upon a combination of factors such as: Go-live date, an urgent request, production application (critical) bug, management's direction, etc.
COVID-19 Related?
This column will have a , iff a project/task is in response to the (currently ongoing) COVID-19 pandemic
Overarching project
Functional Stakeholder:
This column mentions the individual from functional area (non-IT)—the "customer"—who is the primary interface for that project and for gathering requirements (by either myself or a fellow IT colleague).
For certain projects, this column may list either a University division or a department
Requested By:
This column only mentions individuals from the functional areaand only if the requesting individual is not the same as the customer
(High level / detailed) accomplishments / participation / contribution towards a given project
Week Ending
Update Log
COVID-19 Related?
Functional Stakeholder
Requested By
Jeremy Friedman
Quarterly UConnALERT Advisory Group meeting
Tax and Compliance - Foreign National Information form
Laura House
Elizabeth Solecki
Observed functional team started testing on
Made updates to both the source PDF, as well as the Leap form UI, per user feedback; last set of updates were addressed by
Customer team notified; reiterated the importance of testing, as it is not being heavily tested for all different scenarios that the form can produce based on user answers to the form questions
Customer gave final approval for going live on
Pre go-live steps completed
Worked with Jason to learn the steps of the Stash component
In the above document, also documented what should be done w/r to Jira and Confluence components
HR - UCPEA Reclassification Form
Jessica Bowcock
Proposed, and as was accepted by customer, have scheduled a tentatively recurring weekly meeting for project updates
Expanded Union Requirement #2 to include: Alternate Reviewer for Supervisor, Manager, and Alternate Reviewer for Manger
The expansion of role should work the same as it does for "Deny Request by Supervisor"
Did a walk-through of the changes; specifically, the following was covered:
UCPEA/Union Rule #2
Deny Request by: Supervisor, Alternate Reviewer for Supervisor, Manager, and Alternate Reviewer for Manager
Supervisor "Select One" item's layout
Email communications from Leap
Public Safety Payroll Application
UConn Division of Public Safety
SDLC (Documentation / Ticketing / Stash)
New ticket for Everbridge:
Cancelled Jira ticket
Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
for Avery Point Orientation form issue. Provided explanation within that ticket for this
Jira ticket
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
in Progress:
The following sub-tasks were created and the work has commenced on each, starting —
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
Jira ticket
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
moved to Done column on Kanban board, project went live
Created a page that describes work required with the 3 components for going live
Leap - General
Code Review — Mike's Application
COVID-19 Related?
Functional Stakeholder
Requested By
Jeremy Friedman
Met with Functional/IT teams
Discussed the potential of using Everbridge for their needs
Elicited requirements at a high level
Tax and Compliance - Foreign National Information (FNI) form
Laura House
Met with Laura House
Modified & added-to application UI per user feedback
Updated application code/logic in a few places
Completed the FNI's remaining task before promised day/time
Application entered the UAT stage on Sunday.
Up until Tuesday 9:30 AM, I did not see any forms being submitted — cannot say it's being tested rigorously
Happy to do a Code Review again on this project, prior to going live
HR - UCPEA Reclassification Form
Jessica Bowcock
Made progress on the couple of the tasks:
UConn People Search and
Audit logging—this one is almost complete...
Miscellaneous improvements w/r to code, etc.
Public Safety Payroll Application
UConn Division of Public Safety
Worked with Ruben on three things he brought to my attention and requested my input. We are going to circle back and resume; couldn't continue past scheduled meeting time due to other pressing tasks
SDLC (Documentation / Ticketing / Stash)
Updated FNI ticket:
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
For the Everbridge project
Created ticket
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
for working on the project
Created ticket
Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
for the initial meeting
Started this update page
Other miscellaneous additions/updates related to documentation / inventorying