Police website – development and production servers
For the purpose of documentation and to serve as a guide for new team members, Rush and I decided to provide some tips on the different folders associated with the police website located on the development and production servers. These should make it clear how the folders are organized and what MySQL servers are associated with the two servers.
Website Folders
There are two folders associated with the police website that contain the source:
- Police
- Police_source
The first folder is used when it is needed to access the website itself. This can be done either through the “web2.uconn.edu” alias (which points to “web.uconn.edu”) or through “web.uconn.edu” directly. It is also possible to use “http” or “https”. Some examples are provided below:
http://web.uconn.edu/police/ (production server)
http://web2.uconn.edu/police/ (production server)
https://web.uconn.edu/police/ (production server)
The second folder “police_source” is used to access the PHP files directly. So, if you try to navigate to the below URL, the browser will ask you whether to save or open the PHP file.
https://web2.uconn.edu/police_source/index.php (production server)
To access the development server, you need to use the folder that has been created specifically for you such as “PoliceSTDev” in the author’s case. The URL of the development server is “php1.uits.uconn.edu”. Again, you can use either “https” or “http”:
https://php1.uits.uconn.edu/PoliceSTDev/ (development server)
http://php1.uits.uconn.edu/PoliceSTDev/ (development server)
MySQL Databases
Another important note is that there is a separate MySQL database associated with each of the above mentioned servers. The database server name is the same for both and is “mysql”. For the current configuration, the database name is “police2” and the connection parameters to the database are the same. To login to “PhpMyAdmin” on the production server, use the following URL:
https://web2.uconn.edu/admin/phpmyadmin/ (production server)
On the development server the URL is:
http://php1.uits.uconn.edu/phpmyadmin/ (development server)