Link to BMSGeneral OverviewGeneral Overview < this is the link to access the BMS system
The CLAS Staffing Plan, also known as Business Management Services (BMS), is an integrative system developed by the Business Center to help academic units manage their courses offerings, teaching load, and temporary labor allocation.
BMS provides the College with the information it needs to meet its teaching mission. CourseLeaf (CLSS), the Registrar’s scheduling system, should be the first place for editing course information prior to semester cutoff dates. The Business Center then imports this data from CLSS to BMS where final assignment changes can be made.
Academic units can also use BMS to:
Schedule and proof courses.
Review course pressures and graduate assistant needs.
View financial metrics related to courses like temporary labor costs, cost per seat, and teaching load statistics.
BMS provides reporting capabilities within the system to review data related to costs, courses, and instructors.