Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Once a report is created, filters enable you to customize the display of data in your report. This gives you the advantage of viewing only the data that you want to see and


Refer to the Creating a Basic Report article Reports prior to going through the steps of this article. 


  1. Right-click on a field from the left

    Search fields

    Data navigation pane. 

    right-click on field from left search fields paneImage Removedright-click on a field in the data pane Image Added
  2. Click Filter from the menu that displays. 

    Click Filter from right-click menu Image RemovedClick Filter from right-click menu Image Added
  3. Notice a Create a filtering condition dialog box displays with the basic framework for a WHERE statement.


     The arithmetic operator is set to Equal to


    by default.   

  4. Modify this operator by double-clicking Equal to. 

    Equal to Operator Image RemovedEqual to Operator Image Added
  5. Then click the "Equal to"


    drop-down arrow to display the available options.  

  6. Click to select an option from the list, as desired.  

    Equal to operator dropdown Image RemovedEqual to operator dropdown Image Added
  7. To modify the type of filter in use, double-click the <Value> field.
    Click Value field Image Modified

  8. Then click the "Value" 


    drop-down arrow to display a list of additional options.

    Image Removedvalue drop-downImage Added
  9. From the Value dialog box, click the Type


    drop-down arrow to modify this selection, as desired.


    Available options are listed and briefly defined below.  

    1. Constant. Allows the entry of a literal value. This value can be a positive number, a negative number, or any character string.

    2. Parameter. Allows you to specify a parameter by entering a name and description in the provided text input areas, as well as selecting the type of parameter (Simple, Static, or Dynamic). 

    3. Field. Allows the specification of a field name to compare against.

      Will be documented in future documentation, more to come.  

      Type dropdownImage Modified

Constant Filter Type 

  1. The Constant selection from the Type


    drop-down allows you to either:

    1. Type the value(s) in the Value field. 

    2. Highlight the line itemin the left Value pane.

    3. Then click the double chevron


      to add it to the list of available options. 

      Type in Value field Image RemovedType in Value field Image Added
    4. Repeat these steps for each value that should be added.




    5. Retrieve all the available values from the database


      by clicking the Get Values



    6. Select an option from the



    7. Then click the respective double chevron.  

      Get Values Dropdown Image RemovedGet Values Dropdown Image Added
    8. Repeat these steps for each option that should be added from the Get Values dropdown.  

  2. Once the values appear on the right


    within the Multiple Values


    pane, select a value and click the up/down arrows to reorder, or click the red X to delete a value from the right.  

    Reorder or Delete values from the right Image RemovedReorder or Delete values from the right Image Added
  3. Click OK to confirm and return to the WHERE statement view.  

Parameter Filter Type 


  1. Once Parameter is selected from the Type dropdown, available options include:

    1. Simple. This is used for prompts using Text Input. This is the default value.

    2. Static. This is used for prompts using Selection. This option allows you to select


      from a user-defined list of values at run time. 

    3. Dynamic. This is used for prompts using Data Values. This option allows you to select


      from a list of all values at run time.



    4. You can also select Optional to indicate that the selected value (Simple, Static,


      Dynamic) is optional when running the report.

      Parameter Options Image Removed

Simple Parameter Filter 

For our example, we will use



  1. Select the Simple radio button.  

    simple buttonImage Added
  2. Description - Enter text in this

    Enter text in the Description field exactly as you would like it to be seen by the person running the report.  

    description fieldImage Added
  3. Click OK to confirm and return to the WHERE statement view.  

    ok checkmark buttonImage Added

Static Parameter Filter 

For our example, we will use ACAD_PROG_PRIMARY. 

  1. Select the Static radio button. 

    Static Radio Button Image Added
  2. Enter text in the Description field exactly as you would like it to be seen by the person running the report.  

    Description FieldImage Added
  3. Enter the appropriate text in the Value field, and then click the double arrow to add to the Multiple Values list on the right. This list displays the values the user will see in the drop-down for this parameter when running the report.

  4. Click OK to confirm and return to the WHERE statement view.  



Parameter Filter 

For our example, we will use Term Codes.  

  1. Select the Dynamic radio button. 

    Dynamic Radio Button Image Added
  2. Enter text in the Description field exactly as you would like it to be seen by the person running the report. 

    Description Field Image Added
  3. To allow the selection of multiple terms at the time of running the report, check off Select multiple values at runtime.   

    Select multiple values at runtimeImage Added
  4. Select Descending as the sort prompt order option. Sorting in descending order is recommended for this example, as this allows the most recent term to appear at the top of the list. 

    Sort prompt values - Descending Image Added
  5. In the Search Fields section, select the field that is being filtered


    ; this should match the text that displays in the Name field above.  

    Image Removed
  6. test




  1. search fields sectionImage Added
  2. Click OK to confirm and return to the WHERE statement view.  


Vendor videos are available for additional relevant information (e.g., How to Use Filters). For more information, see WebFOCUS InfoAssist Manual 8.2.06 for additional information, as desired.

Filter by label (Content by label)






in ( "webfocus" , "info_assist" , "infoassist" ) and type = "page" and space =


currentSpace ( )
Page Properties

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