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This article will explain how to set up the Miniconda Conda environment under a user’s HPC account.
The (base) confirms miniconda installed successfully and is in the default Conda environment.
\uD83D\uDCD8 Setting uDCD8 Setting up the Miniconda environment
Here is an example showing how to create a Conda environment called abinit to allow for a abinit install:
Then a user should be able to call the abinit command(s) that are needed to run abinit successfully.
Deactivate conda environment
To deactivate the abinit conda environment, the following command can be entered:
That will tell miniconda to go back to the (base) Conda environment and at that point a new Conda environment can be installed or activated.
Testing miniconda environment in an interactive Slurm
fisbatch srun -N 1 -n 24 -p general
conda activate condaenvironmentname
commands for conda/program run
To exit out of the Slurm Fisbatch job and end miniconda:
Type exit twice to exit out of the conda environment, and then exit out of the Fisbatch job.
Next time a user logs into HPC, the terminal will show the (base) [netidhere@cnXXX ~] on the login node.\uD83D\uDCD8
Submission Script Example:
Here are the Bash Submission script steps to call the miniconda environment:
#SBATCH -n 24
module purge
module load slurm modulesneededhere
source /homegpfs/homefs1/yournetidhere/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/