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Page Properties

Service NameaccountBalanceInquiry
DescriptionProvides the available balance for a given chart of accounts and account number.
API Type

REST (changed from SOAP) - FinancialWebAPI (January, 2022)



Release Date


Last Update

 KFS Version 3.32.0



Sample Response




Criteria Used for Balance Checking:

  1. University Fiscal Year defaults to the current fiscal year.
  2. Chart of Accounts defaults to "UC", if not entered.
  3. Use the Available Balances Lookup logic in KFS, using the following selection criteria.
    1. Consolidation Option = Consolidation
    2. Include Pending Ledger Entry = All
    3. Transfers = Include
    4. Balance Sheet = Include
    5. Indirect Cost = Exclude
    6. Object Code Grouping = Exclude
  4. For Agency Accounts, no matter what fundsid, we will use the cash balance:
    1. Subfund group EQUALS "AGEN",
    2. Only include the balance of Object Code = 1100Lori – is this correct or is it the balance of the beginning balance and fiscal YTD balance? This is what I would define as the "available cash balance".If we are looking at it from the Available Balance screen, the available cash is simply the Actual Amount. If we are looking at it from the General Ledger Balance screen it would be the Beginning Balance plus the Annual Balance (current FY activity). I assume we are pulling from Available Balance. Is this correct, Bruce?
  5. For non-sponsored fiscal accounts in the 1171 fundsid (which are not specifically budgeted during the annual budget process), we will use the available cash balance:
    1. Subfund group NOT EQUAL to "RSTSP",
    2. Fund Sid EQUALS 1171
    3. Only include the balance of Object Code = 1100See comment above regarding definition of "available cash balance.".
  6. For project accounts (as defined by subfund group code RSTSP), across all fundsids, we will include available budget balances from object codes 6000 – 6999. For these, the budget available is based on project-to-date and not fiscal-year-to-date $$.
    1. Subfund group EQUALS "RSTSP",
    2. All fundsids,
    3. Include (sum) the balances of Object Codes 6000 – 6999"Budget available" defined as budget amount less project-to-date actual expenses.
      If we are looking at the Available Balance screen, both Budget and Actuals are cumulative project to date. We should also decut the Encumbrances. So, in my opinion, it is really the sum of the Variance column for object codes 6000-6999..
  7. For all other non-sponsored accounts (subfund NOT RSTSP), across all other fundsids (NOT 1171), we will use the sum of all BUDGET AVAILABLE BALANCES IN(as defined in 3 above) object code in the 6000 – 6999 range:
    1. All other Subfund groups NOT EQUAL to "AGEN" and "RSTSP",
    2. Fund sid NOT EQUAL to 1171,
    3. Include (sum) the balances of Object Codes 6000 – 6999.

Available Balance = (BudgetAmount – ActualsAmount – EncumbranceAmount)

WSDL Definition



Will retrieve the available account balance for one account.

chartOfAccountsCode [Default 'UC'] (Optional)
account number (Required)



Unique Identifier

The Account


description of account

Account numberChart of Accounts codeUCStatusNew, Open, Close, ChangedFiscalOfficerIdentifiernetidAccount Type CodeBank codeConsolidation Chart of Accounts codeConsolidation Account NumberReports to Account NumberReports to Chart of Accounts CodeFundSid CodeFundSid descriptionAccount Manager System IdentifiernetidAccount supervisor Systems IdentifiernetidOrganization CodeSubFund group codeDepartment account owner codeDepartment reference 1Cfda numberProject namePlant funds parent codePlant funds parent code descriptionAccount expense guideline textAccount income guideline textAccount purpose text




Sample Request XML (SOAP)

Code Block
titleSample Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:v5="">

Sample Response XML - SOAP (Good)

Code Block
titleSample Response XML (Good)
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
		<ns2:getAccountBalanceResponse xmlns:ns2="">

Sample Response XML - SOAP (Bad)

Code Block
titleSample Response (Bad)
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
			<faultstring>Invalid/empty Account Parameter.</faultstring>
				<ns2:AccountInquiryFault xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ns2=""/>


  • Java

    Code Block
    package com.example.coa.service;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
    import org.junit.Test;
    import org.kuali.kfs.core.v5_0.GetAccountsResponseGetAccountBalanceResponse;
    import org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.Jaxb2Marshaller;
    import junit.framework.TestCase;
    public class AccountInquiryServiceTestAccountBalanceInquiryServiceTest extends TestCase {
        public void testGetAccounts() throws Exception {
            List<String> subFunds = new ArrayList<String>();
            subFunds.add("PLEQP")	String chartOfAccountsCode = "UC";
            List<String> organizationcodes = new ArrayList<String>();
    String accountNumber = "5612710";
            LocalDate fromDate = LocalDate.parse("2016-08-26");
            LocalDate toDate = LocalDate.parse("2016-09-15");
            ChartOfAccountsInquiryServiceClientAccountBalanceInquiryServiceClient client = new ChartOfAccountsInquiryServiceClientAccountBalanceInquiryServiceClient();
            Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
            JAXBElement<GetAccountsResponse>JAXBElement<GetAccountBalanceResponse> response = client.getAccountsgetAccountBalance(subFundschartOfAccountsCode, organizationcodes, fromDate, toDateaccountNumber);

    Code Block
    package com.example.coa.service;
    import java.timeio.LocalDateStringWriter;
    import javajavax.xml.utilbind.ListJAXBContext;
    import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
    import javax.xml.transform.Result;
    import javax.xml.transform.datatypestream.DatatypeFactoryStreamResult;
    import org.kuali.kfs.core.v5_0.AllAccountRequestAccountBalanceInquiryRequest;
    import org.kuali.kfs.core.v5_0.GetAccountsGetAccountBalance;
    import org.kuali.kfs.core.v5_0.GetAccountsResponseGetAccountBalanceResponse;
    import org.kualispringframework.kfs.core.v5_0.ObjectFactoryoxm.Marshaller;
    public class ChartOfAccountsInquiryServiceClientAccountBalanceInquiryServiceClient extends WebServiceGatewaySupport {
        public JAXBElement<GetAccountsResponse>JAXBElement<GetAccountBalanceResponse> getAccountsgetAccountBalance(List<String>String subFundschartOfAccountsCode, List<String> organizationcodes, LocalDate fromDate, LocalDate toDateString accountNumber) throws Exception {
        	ObjectFactory factory = new ObjectFactory();
        	DatatypeFactory datatypeFactory = DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
            String uri = "";
            GetAccountsGetAccountBalance request = new GetAccountsGetAccountBalance();
            AllAccountRequestAccountBalanceInquiryRequest allAccountRequestaccountBalanceInquiryRequest = new AllAccountRequestAccountBalanceInquiryRequest();
            return (JAXBElement<GetAccountsResponse>)Object object =  getWebServiceTemplate().marshalSendAndReceive(uri, request);
            return (JAXBElement<GetAccountBalanceResponse>) object;

Criteria Used for Balance Checking:

  1. University Fiscal Year defaults to the current fiscal year.
  2. Chart of Accounts defaults to "UC", if not entered.
  3. Use the Available Balances Lookup logic in KFS, using the following selection criteria.
    1. Consolidation Option = Consolidation
    2. Include Pending Ledger Entry = All
    3. Transfers = Include
    4. Balance Sheet = Include
    5. Indirect Cost = Exclude
    6. Object Code Grouping = Exclude
  4. For Agency Accounts, no matter what fundsid, we will use the cash balance:
    1. Subfund group EQUALS "AGEN",
    2. Only include the balance of Object Code = 1100Lori – is this correct or is it the balance of the beginning balance and fiscal YTD balance? This is what I would define as the "available cash balance".If we are looking at it from the Available Balance screen, the available cash is simply the Actual Amount. If we are looking at it from the General Ledger Balance screen it would be the Beginning Balance plus the Annual Balance (current FY activity). I assume we are pulling from Available Balance. Is this correct, Bruce?
  5. For non-sponsored fiscal accounts in the 1171 fundsid (which are not specifically budgeted during the annual budget process), we will use the available cash balance:
    1. Subfund group NOT EQUAL to "RSTSP",
    2. Fund Sid EQUALS 1171
    3. Only include the balance of Object Code = 1100See comment above regarding definition of "available cash balance.".
  6. For project accounts (as defined by subfund group code RSTSP), across all fundsids, we will include available budget balances from object codes 6000 – 6999. For these, the budget available is based on project-to-date and not fiscal-year-to-date $$.
    1. Subfund group EQUALS "RSTSP",
    2. All fundsids,
    3. Include (sum) the balances of Object Codes 6000 – 6999"Budget available" defined as budget amount less project-to-date actual expenses.
      If we are looking at the Available Balance screen, both Budget and Actuals are cumulative project to date. We should also decut the Encumbrances. So, in my opinion, it is really the sum of the Variance column for object codes 6000-6999..
  7. For all other non-sponsored accounts (subfund NOT RSTSP), across all other fundsids (NOT 1171), we will use the sum of all BUDGET AVAILABLE BALANCES IN(as defined in 3 above) object code in the 6000 – 6999 range:
    1. All other Subfund groups NOT EQUAL to "AGEN" and "RSTSP",
    2. Fund sid NOT EQUAL to 1171,
    3. Include (sum) the balances of Object Codes 6000 – 6999.


  • void logXml(Object element) {
            try {
                JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(element.getClass());
                Marshaller marshaller = getMarshaller();
                StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new StringWriter());
                marshaller.marshal(element, result);
                System.out.println("XML : " + result.getWriter().toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {