Due to the nature of SAS and old library dependencies, SAS can only run in a containerized environment through single compute node job submissions and does not support multi-node submissions.
Using SAS on the cluster
Code Block |
sbatch sasMP.sh |
Multithreaded GUI job
To submit a job that uses 10 computational threads on one node, create a submission script sasMPGPU.sh:
Code Block |
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=10 #SBATCH --partition=general-gpu #SBATCH --output=outputfile.txt #SBATCH --error=outputfile.txt #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 module load apptainer apptainer exec --nv --unsquash -H $HOME:/home -B /gpfs/sharedfs1/admin/hpc2.0/apps/sas/9.4:/gpfs/sharedfs1/admin/hpc2.0/apps/sas/9.4 SAS.sif /gpfs/sharedfs1/admin/hpc2.0/apps/sas/9.4/SASFoundation/9.4/sas myprog.sas |
Then submit the script by:
Code Block |
sbatch sasMPGPU.sh |
GUI/Interactive SAS use with SLURM
Code Block |
[netidhere@login6 ~]$ srun --x11 -N 1 -n 10 --pty bash srun: job 4261315 queued and waiting for resources srun: job 4261315 has been allocated resources [netidhere@cn528 ~]$ module load apptainer [netidhere@cn528 ~]$ apptainer exec --unsquash -H $HOME:/home -B /gpfs/sharedfs1/admin/hpc2.0/apps/sas/9.4:/gpfs/sharedfs1/admin/hpc2.0/apps/sas/9.4 SAS.sif /gpfs/sharedfs1/admin/hpc2.0/apps/sas/9.4/SASFoundation/9.4/sas |
SAS should load all the needed SAS windows.
The following screenshot gives an example on how SAS should look:
When browsing for SAS files under a directory, feel free to use the File Drop down list and navigate to the needed directory where the SAS files are located.
Note |
Please DO NOT FORGET to EXIT from the nodes so that the other users can use it. Exit out of all the SAS windows and then type |