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Academic standing refers to the code assigned to a student, determined by specific rules applicable to their academic career. Each code standing is derived from a distinct set of guidelines tailored to the requirements of each academic career.


Career       ACAD_STNDNG_ACTN            DescriptionUGRD GOOD

UGRD       GOOD                                       Good Standing

UGRD WARN UGRD       WARN                                       Scholastic WarningUGRD PROB

UGRD       PROB                                         Scholastic Notice

UGRD SDSM UGRD       SDSM                                        Subject to Dismissal
UGRD DISM Scholastic Dismissal

UGRD       DISM                                         Scholastic Dismissal

RHAG       DISM                                         Scholastic Dismissal

RHAG       GOOD                                       Good Standing

RHAG       PROB                                         Scholastic Notice

RHAG       SDSM                                        Subject to Dismissal

RHAG       WARN                                       Warning

A full set of values and descriptions for each academic career can be found in ACAD_STACTN_TBL.


PROB - Student is on Scholastic Notice for the given term.


  • Academic Standing is calculated only for fall and spring semesters.

  • A student's present academic standing is determined by their most recent term of enrollment evaluating the two previous (Fall/Spring) terms within the student’s academic program. The calculation of the academic standing for the current term occurs only after the final grades have been processed.

