Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


If you have a large number of people to enter or update, you can also perform an import of users to UC People.

Users can edit their own Person information if they are set as Author of the Person and have an appropriate Role.

Groups and Tags

People can be organized in two ways, with groups and tags.  These can be managed in the dashboard by selecting People and then choosing either the “Groups” or “Tags” options.


By default, people will be ordered alphabetically by first last name.

This default ordering can be manipulated by altering the Order attribute of each person.


What is really happening behind the scenes is more like this:

  1. Order=0

    1. Carol Gordon

    2. Abdul Kazeem

    3. Bogdan Stanek

  2. Order=1

    1. None.

If Bogdan's order number changes to "1," then the list will display all of the 0s and then all of the 1s, each in alphabetical order.

  1. Carol Gordon [0]

  2. Abdul Kazeem [0]

  3. Bogdan Stanek [1]

If we then change Abdul to a "1", we get this...

  1. Carol Gordon [0]

  2. Abdul Kazeem [1]

  3. Bogdan Stanek [1]

Using this field, it is possible to alter the default ordering of people in lists.


Any page that uses the People Template will have the option for filtering.

  1. Check the box "Adds search bar and drop downs for filtering people."

  2. Click Update.

When you view the page, you will see the following Filter. 

image of filter box
