Test URL | https://aimdev.uconn.edu/api/index?key=[API KEY]&method=LOC_UPDATES&days=7&format=json |
Stage URL | https://aimtest.uconn.edu/api/index?key=[API KEY]&method=LOC_UPDATES&days=7&format=json |
Prod URL | https://aim.uconn.edu/api/index?key=[API KEY]&method=LOC_UPDATES&days=7&format=json |
The Aim links are included in the Batch Properties file on the AEWEB server. The days= parameter can be adjusted to capture data for a longer period of time or for a lesser period of time. It is currently set at 7 days.
Aim Web Service Documentation
SH_Room_T | java field | Aim field | Description |
CAMPUS_CD | campusCode | CAMPUS_ID | |
BLDG_CD | buildingCode | BLDG | |
BLDG_ROOM_NBR | buildingRoomNumber | ROOM | |
OBJ_ID | objectID | if new room, create new OBJ_ID | |
VER_NBR | versioNumber | if new room, set version number to 1 | |
BLDG_ROOM_DEPT | buildingRoomDepartment | LOC_ORG_DESCRIPTION | |
ROW_ACTV_IND | activeIndicator | LOC_STATUS | when Aim is "DISPOSED", set KFS to "N", otherwise set to "Y" |
- When the room does not exist in KFS, create an object id in KFS using java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString() and set the version number to 1.
- When the room status in Aim is “DISPOSED”, the set the active indicator in KFS to “N”, otherwise set it to “Y”.
- Truncate campus code, room type, and room dept so that it matches the length in KFS (to prevent a SQL error).
- When the room exists in KFS, just update the row with the supplied data, otherwise insert a new row using the supplied data.
- Create a formatted report file to list all transactions. The first line of the file is a header, contains the process date and report title, the second line contains the column headings, and the last line of the file is “***End of Report ***”.
- Send an email to inventorycontrol@uconn.edu with the input JSON in the body and the formatted report as an attachment.
- If there are SQL errors, capture and print the error.
Location and name of the report file
uconn_configs/webapi/config/batch | |
roomData_yyyymmdd_hhMMSS_SSS.txt | where yyyy = year, mm=month, dd=day, hh=hour, MM = minute, SS=seconds, SSS=sequence number |
Sample Report
(Use Notepad++ to view)
Execution Command
/webapi/updateRoomsFromAim.html |
Control-M Schedule and Job
The UAT job is manually loaded and run. The production job is scheduled to run every Friday evening. If this job is to be moved, the days= parameter in the batch properties files may need to be adjusted.