Using LDAP select all NetIDs and their mapped attributes listed below where the NetID has either the attribute eduPersonAffiliation=member and/or eduPersonAffiliation=affiliate. Affiliation Type is used to determine who is considered Full Time Employees. Applicant students, both undergrad and graduate are inactive, they are filtered out.
The filter used is: (|(eduPersonAffiliation=member)(eduPersonAffiliation=affiliate))(!(uconnPersonPrimaryAffiliation=Appl*))
By default we want Full Time Employees to be Active in the system (<Record> tag active property = true). Students and Affiliates should be Inactive by default but included in the feed so their ID’s are generated but disabled. If a student or affiliate has an active KFS Role or Group then their active flag should be sent with a value of “true” instead.
Tag | LDAP Attribute | Notes |
<Record entityID> | uid | NetID (lowercase) |
<Record principalID> | uid | NetID (lowercase) |
<Record principalName> | uid | NetID (lowercase) |
<Record active> | n/a | Default = “true” If uconnPersonPrimaryAffiliation = Undergraduate Student, Graduate Student, Applicants, or Affiliate set to “false” unless they have an active role or group in KFS. Full Time Employees, including members and affiliates, are always “true” |
<addressTypeCode> | n/a | Always “WRK” |
<addressLine1> | postalAddress | If postalAddress empty look for registeredAddress |
<addressLine2> | registeredAddress |
<city> | location |
<stateOrProvince> | state |
<postalCode> | postalCode |
<country> |
| Always “US” |
<affiliationType> | uconnPersonPrimaryAffiliation | Professional Staff = STAFF Special Payroll = STAFF Graduate Student = STDNT Univ Affiliated Employee = AFLT |
<campus> | l | Storrs = 01 Waterbury = 05 Avery Point = 06 Health Center = 07 Extension Services = 08 |
<employeeStatus> |
| Always “A” |
<employeeType> |
| Default = “P” If uconnPersonPrimaryAffiliation = Undergraduate Student or Graduate Student set to “N” |
<baseSalaryAmount> |
| Always “0.0” |
<primaryDepartment> | department | Preceded by UC- (example UC-1515) |
<employeeID> | employeeNumber | Last 6 characters (ex. 037796 for btp98001) |
<emailAddress> |
| |
<firstName> | givenName |
<middleName> | Initials | If Null value should be an empty tag |
<lastName> | sn |
<phoneNumber> | publishedTelephoneNumber | If Null leave tag out. Format XXX-XXX-XXXX |