Page Properties |
System Report Field Name | ACTION_DT |
Definition/Usage | The date any transaction is entered into the student record. |
Values | |
Example | The Action Date is the date when the information was input entered into the system. The Eff Date (, while the Effective Date ) is when the date the action becomes effectiveaction actually takes effect. Consider today’s date to be 2/2/2023. In the example below, this student’s status “today” is DC (Discontinued). This student is not considered AC (Active) will not be active until 5/8/2023, the effective date of the record, even though it’s its Action Date is 3/31/2023. Consider Next, consider today’s date to be 4/1/2023. The last row in the example below, is known as future effective-dated. This action, entered on 3/31/2023, will take effect on 5/8/2023. Career Eff Date Acad Prog Status Prog Actn Action Date UGRD 12/7/2015 UACES AP APPL 12/7/2015 UGRD 2/20/2016 UACES AD ADMT 2/20/2016 UGRD 3/16/2016 UACES PM DEIN 3/16/2016 UGRD 5/12/2016 UACES AC MATR 5/12/2016 UGRD 8/26/2018 UACES DC VDIS 9/11/2018 UGRD 4/12/2022 UACES AC RADM 4/12/2022 UGRD 5/8/2022 UCLAS AC PRGC 4/29/2022 UGRD 1/16/2023 UCLAS DC VDIS 1/31/2023 UGRD 5/8/2023 UCLAS AC RADM 3/31/2023 |
Notes | |
Synonyms/References | |
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.
Page Properties |
Student Admin Table | multiple |
Column | ACTION_DT |
Page Properties |
Student Admin Foundation/Lookup |