Report Field Name | Derived from STDNT_CAR_TERM.ACAD_LEVEL_BOT |
Definition/Usage | The student’s educational progress by semester standing based on |
cumulative completed units from previous terms or transfer units. Semester standing may be related to the traditional designations of freshman (first year), sophomore, junior and senior. | Values |
Value Description Semester Standing Earned Credits 10 First Year 1 0 - 11 2 12 – 23 20 Sophomore 3 24 – 39 4 40 – 53 30 Junior 5 54 – 69 6 70 – 85 40 Senior 7 86 – 99 8 100+ 9 117 – 133(Pharmacy) 10 134+ (Pharmacy) P1
Professional Year 4 | Example | 10 - First Year |
Notes | |
Synonyms/References | |
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.