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You may add/remove groups and individual user access users to your project to grant and restrict access as required.   

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Default Roles:

  • Administrators – Responsible for system related tasks
  • Developers  - Able to watch and update tickets
  • Users – Able to view and create tickets

Anyone Everyone who interacts with the project needs to be in the Users role.  Users must also Anyone that needs to create and update issues must be in the Developer role in order to update ticketsJust having the developer role is not sufficient to view the projectTo view projects, members of the Developer role also need to be in the User role.  Administrators will also need to be in the User role to view and create issues in a project AND projects, and the Developer role to edit and watch issues.

Roles are not inherited.  By default, a new project includes the default system wide groupsgroup: users, developers and administrators.  This means that all Jira users in the system can create and view tickets in your project and all developers can edit and watch tickets.  If this is not desirable, you can remove those default groups from the roles and click on “Add users to a role” to either assign individuals to the roles or groups (if you have an existing group for your area). administrators as seen in the screenshot in the beginning of this article. The project creator must assign users to the appropriate Administrators, Developers, and User roles.