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Accessing the Test Options Menu

  1. Hover over the link with the Test title.

  2. Click on the gray down arrow.

  3. Select Edit Test Options. If Edit Test Options is not in the menu, it may be a Course Link instead of a direct link to the Test.
    Edit Test Options in drop down.Image Modified

Managing Test Options

Make Link Available

  • Default: No

  • Must be Yes for students to take the test. The availability period can be date restricted elsewhere.
    Test availability screenshot


Even if you set “display after/display until” farther down on the Test Options page, this main availability setting must be set to “Yes” in order for the test to become available to students. If this is set to “No” students will not be able to see or access the test regardless of the display after or display until settings you set.

Number of Attempts

  • Default: 1 Attempt

  • To allow more than one attempt, check the Multiple Attempts box and indicate Unlimited, or enter a specific number of attempts.

    Multiple attempts box

For multiple attempts, instructors need to specify which attempt score appears in the Grade Center column. Instructors can choose to have the First, Last, Average, Lowest, or Highest score display. Default is set to Last. To modify this setting,

  1. Click on the gray down arrow next to the column title.

  2. Select Edit Column Information

  3. Adjust this setting as needed.

Force Completion

  • Default: No

  • Recommended: NO FORCE COMPLETION

    Force completion option.
  • If Checked: Students cannot re-enter a test if it closes whether on purpose or due to a technical problem.

  • If Unchecked: Students can re-enter a test if it closes, but only if the test is still available (i.e., the display period has not ended and the allotted time from the start of the test has not expired).


  • Default: None

    Add user or group option
  • This setting is most commonly used to provide an accommodation for extra time for one or more students.

  • Click Add User or Group and browse for the student. Additional students must be added separately unless they are placed in a group.

  • Current test settings will display. Adjust as needed. The most frequently applied change is extending the allotted time. 

    Test settings.Image RemovedTest settings.Image Added

This combination of settings allows students in the exceptions space to take the exam as suchunless the option to not allow students to take the test after the due has passed is checked. In order to allow availability exceptions past the due date, turn off the setting to prevent students from taking the test after the due date. If that setting is off but there is still a due date, turn off the due date setting altogether. Students who take the the test after the due date will have Late marked as a notation to their attempt. For this reason, you may decide to remove the due date entirely. Additionally, test availability can be modified to deny access to the exam to any students not included in the availability exceptions. 


titleShow Incorrect Questions

Show the questions a student answered incorrectly or partially incorrectly. This option appears for tests only. You might choose to show incorrect questions and allow multiple attempts so that students can focus their studying on those areas.


This option may result in none of the students seeing the test results if anyone has not taken the test.After submission options.Image Removed

After submission options.Image Added

Test Presentation

  • Default: All at Once

  • Recommended: Weigh the pros and cons of each option to determine which setting is most appropriate for your needs. 

    Test presentations options
    • All at Once: Easier navigation and faster, but using a scroll wheel has the potential to change answers. Usually fewer complications overall.

    • One at a Time: Moving to the next question saves answers and makes question copy/print less likely but is slower, and students may not be familiar with navigation between questions. This results in behaviors (multiple clicks on next or use of browser back button) that can cause test freezing and other problems.

    • Randomize Questions: Easy way to randomize order for questions added individually to test but should not be used with tests where the order of question presentation is important.

    • Prohibit Backtracking: Potential for additional problems when using “one at a time.” Generally not recommended.


  • All at Once presentation results in fewer issues while taking a test.

  • If questions are delivered One at a Time, do not Prohibit Backtracking.

  • If there are no Question Sets or Random Blocks, then you can check Randomize Questions. If test questions were added in Question Sets or Random Blocks, do not select Randomize Questions.



  1. One at a time is slower than All at Once, and the proper means for navigating between questions is hard to find, so students often end up clicking multiple times or using browser back button which can cause test to freeze or submit prematurely.

  2. Backtracking prohibited can create additional issues with One at a Time.

  3. Question sets and random blocks already randomize so the additional Randomize setting can create issues with how the questions load.

For more information or assistance with HuskyCT, contact the Educational Technology Office at or (860) 486-5052.


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