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Advisors can review a Preliminary or Final Plan of Study awaiting approval in the Student Administration System. Only Plans of Study that were submitted electronically in the Student Administration System can be reviewed using the instructions below. Paper Plans of Study have alternate workflows. Advisors are notified via their UConn email when their advisee submits a Preliminary or a Final Plan of Study in the Student Administration System.


There are two ways to navigate to the Plan of Study Approval Search Screen:

Option 1: If you've received an email notifying you that your advisee submitted a Plan of Study, click the here link that is provided in the notification email. You will be brought to the Plan of Study Approval Search page.

Option 2: To access the Plan of Study Approval Search page without the email link, log into the Student Administration System and follow the steps below:

  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner. 

    NavBar icon
  2. Click Navigator from the menu. 

    NavBar Menu
  3. Click the Self Service tab. 

    Self-service tabImage Removedself service tabImage Added
  4. Click the Plan of Study Approval Search tab. 
    Plan of Study Approval Search tab

Using Plan of Study Approval Search Screen

  1. The Plan of Study Approval Search page displays with the My Worklist checkbox selected as the default. There are several search options:
    Plan of Study Search Parameters

    1. Option 1: View Plans of Study awaiting your approval

      1. Leave My Worklist checked, Approval Status as Pending, and all other fields blank.
        My Worklist checked, Status pending

      2. Click Search.

      3. The Plans of Study awaiting your approval will populate in the table below the search box. Go to Reviewing Plans of Study for instruction on how to review and approve/deny Plans of Study.
        Plan of Study Approvals Search Results

    2. Option 2: Search for Other Plans of Study

      1. Deselect the My Worklist checkbox.

      2. Use the search parameters to search by Approval Status, Academic Program, Academic Plan, Report Type (Final or Preliminary), Student ID, Submitted Within timeframe, and/or Expected Graduation Term.

      3. Click Search.
        Search by Approval Status

      4. The Plans of Study matching the search criteria used above will populate in the table below the search box.

Reviewing Plans of Study

  1. To review a student's plan of study, click the Details icon in the right-most column. This will open up a new window for the Plan of Study workflow.

    1. If the new Plan of Study window does not open, disable pop-up blockers on your browser and try again.
      Details icon

  2. On the Transaction Details page,

    1. Click the View Plan of Study link to view the plan the student has submitted.
      Plan of Study Link

    2. Read any student comments in the Student Communications section.

  3. To approve the Plan of Study, click the Approve button. 

    1. The Approved status will display in green. 
      Approved Status

    2. An email will immediately be generated to the next person in the indicated Path of Approval

  4. To Deny the Plan of Study, you must first enter comments in the Comments field. You can click the Share with Student checkbox if you wish for your comments to be viewed by the student when they access their Plan of Study status. 

    1. Click the Deny button. The Denied status will display in red.
      Denied Plan of Study

    2. An email will immediately be generated to notify the student that their Plan of Study has been Denied.

    3. You can come back to this Plan of Study Transaction Details page to add additional comments at a later time after approving or denying. Note that comments are for reference only; approved changes in the comments will not be reflected in the Plan of Study.

    4. The Plan of Study Transaction Details page provides some additional functionality.

      1. If the department requires the submission of a new plan of study because something has changed in a student’s record, click Unlock to enable a student to resubmit their Plan of Study.

      2. Click Notify Substitutions to indicate a pending substitution that must be reviewed by the dean’s office.

  5. After making any changes, click the Save button before leaving the page.


  1. Click the NavBar icon in the top right-hand corner. 

    NavBar icon
  2. Click Navigator from the menu. 

    NavBar Menu
  3. Click the Self Service tab. Self Service tabImage Removed

    self service tabImage Added
  4. Click the Advisor Center tab. 

    Advisor Center tab
  5. Click the My Advisees tab. 

    My Advisees tab
  6. From the My Advisees page, there are columns for the Preliminary and Final Plan of Study. A green circle indicates the Plan of Study has been approved. A red circle indicates it has been denied. A half green circle indicates the approval process is pending

    POS Prelim and POS Final

If you have questions regarding the Plan of Study review process, contact either your departmental or dean's Plan of Study administrator or the Degree Audit unit of the Storrs Registrar's Office at (860) 486-6214.

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