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Suppliers also known as vendors, are companies and individuals providing goods and services to the University.

Process Steps

Searching for a Supplier

  1. To search for a supplier, navigate to Suppliers > Manager Suppliers > Search for a Supplier.


  1. Ensure that the Relationship is “UConn Network” and status is set to “All” (it defaults to “Active” unless you’ve previously updated this). Click “Pin Filters” on the right side to set as your default going forward 

  2. Enter the name of the supplier, or the Supplier ID (if known) and click Gopress enter or click the magnifying glass icon.

The search will work with any part of the supplier’s name. Wildcard characters are not necessary.


You can see both the green checkmark check mark stating the supplier is Enabled for Procurement/Active for Shopping along with their Registration Status here as well.


If the supplier doesn’t have a green check mark, then they are not Enabled for Procurement/Active for Shopping


What does the Registration Status mean?:

  1. None – An invitation has not been sent to the supplier as we do not know the valid email to send the invite to.

  2. Invited – The invitation has been sent to the supplier.

  3. In Progress – The supplier has started completing the application OR The application has been returned to the supplier. Both situations, the supplier still needs to complete the registration.

    This status may also appear for active, approved suppliers if they are in the process of making a change to their profile.

  4. Profile Complete – The supplier has submitted their application and it is in Supplier Management’s queue to review/approve.

  5. Approved – The application has been approved by Supplier Management.

  6. Rejected – The application has been rejected by Supplier Management. Please see the History tab (bottom left) of the supplier profile to see the reason why.

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