International Student (DRAFT)
Page Properties |
System Report Field Name | International Student Indicator |
Definition/Usage | A student with an international indicator of “Y” is a student that is studying at UConn on a UConn-sponsored visa or is in the An international student is a non-U.S. citizen studying at UConn with on a nonUConn-UConn sponsored visa. |
Values | Y or N |
Example | Student 0123456 012345 is classified as an international student due to the presence of a positive service indicator code of "ITL" in their student record.Y" and a srvc_ind_cd of “ITL”. POS_SRVC_INDICATOR SRVC_IND_CD SRVC_IND_REASON DESCRIPTIONY ITL INTNL F or J visa holder Y ITL INTPT F/J Practical Training Y INT INTTD Intnl Admits to Terra Dotta |
Notes | service indicator ITL and service indicator reason INTNL identifies the student as having a UConn sponsored visa. service indicator ITL INT and service indicator reason INTTD identifies the student as Alien/Temp in the U.S. on a visa not sponsored by UConn. the international student indicator appears on the student record as a red star-shaped icon ( Image Added)
Synonyms/References | |
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.
Page Properties |
Student Admin Foundation/Lookup Table | SRVC_IND_CD_TBL; SRVC_IN_RSN_TBL |