Students can identify record several names, categorized by type, on their student record. These names are categorized into types, as follows:
DIPL=Name to appear on diploma
PRI=Primary or legal name
[list all values and descriptions separated by hyphen, include headings at top (e.g., [Code] - [Description])] OR [list a few examples and descriptions] A full list of all values available for [insert element] can be found [insert table or location].
[Code] - [Description] - [Group]
WHITE - White - 1
BLACK - Black/African American - 2
EUROPE - Europe -1
HISP - Hispanic - 3
MIDDEAST - Middle East - 1
ASIAN - Asian - 4
PHILIPP - Philippines - 4
UNKNOWN - Unknown - 6
A full list of all values available for [insert element] can be found [insert table or location].
[provide an example of the element]
[list any relevant notes regarding the element that have not already been mentioned in the sections above]
[provide any synonyms or useful references]
DEG - Degree
PRF - Preferred or Chosen
PRI - Primary
A full list of values available for name type can be found in NAME_TYPE_TBL.NAME_TYPE
Salvatore Stone records several name types in his student record. Salvatore lists his degree name (NAME_TYPE=DEG) as Salvatore Ashton Stone and his preferred name (NAME_TYPE=PRF) as Sal Stone.
A student can identify the name they wish to appear on their degree and the name they wish to be addressed as--their preferred or chosen name.
Primary name cannot be updated or changed by the student; students are required to submit appropriate documentation, and their primary name will be updated by UConn administration.
Additional technical details can be found in the following expandable region, including the tables and foundation/lookups for this element in Student Admin and SADM.